Joksimović, Kristina

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Joksimović, Kristina (32)
Simultaneous Bioremediation and Soilification of Degraded Areas to Preserve Natural Resources of Biologically Active Substances, and Development and Production of Biomaterials and Dietetic Products Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200168 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Chemistry)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200026 (University of Belgrade, Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy - IChTM) Micro- Nanosystems and Sensors for Electric Power and Process Industry and Environmental Protection
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Partnership Program Project Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program: [Grant Number PS00304275]
PFAStwin - Twinning to address the PFAS challenge in Serbia Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200007 (University of Belgrade, Institute for Biological Research 'Siniša Stanković')
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200051 (Institute of General and Physical Chemistry, Belgrade) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200116 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200169 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry) Development of technologies and products based on mineral raw materials and waste biomass for protection of natural resources for safe food production
Slovenian Research Agency (research core funding No. P1- 0005).

Author's Bibliography

Per- i polifluoroalkil supstance (PFAS) - izvori zagađenja, izazovi remedijacije i potencijalni abiotički tretmani zagađenih voda

Kasalica, Kristina; Lješević, Marija; Joksimović, Kristina; Lončarević, Branka; Petronijević, Natalija; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inžinjerstvo, 2024)

AU  - Kasalica, Kristina
AU  - Lješević, Marija
AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Lončarević, Branka
AU  - Petronijević, Natalija
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Per- i polifluoroalkil supstance (PFAS - per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) su grupa jedinjenja koja su široko korišćena zbog svojih hidrofobnih i lipofilnih svojstava, što ih čini otpornim na vodu, ulje i toplotu. Ove supstance su korišćene u proizvodnji različitih proizvoda kao što su teflonski premazi, vodootporni tekstilni materijali i sredstva za gašenje požara i mnogi drugi. Međutim, zbog njihove perzistentnosti i sposobnosti da se akumuliraju u životinjama i životnom okruženju, PFAS su postali predmet zabrinutosti za životnu sredinu i zdravlje ljudi. PFAS u otpadne vode mogu dospeti direktnom emisijom kao posledica proizvodnih i industrijskih procesa ili naknadno, upotrebom proizvoda koje sadrže ove štetne hemikalije, kao i neobazrivim odlaganjem istih. Nakon dospevanja u otpadne vode, PFAS se mogu širiti i kontaminirati vodne sisteme, što može ugroziti zdravlje ljudi i životinja koje konzumiraju tu vodu. Usled rastuće zabrinutosti od potencijalnih štetnih efekata PFAS, mnoge zemlje su počele da uvode strože regulative i mere kontrole kako bi smanjile izloženost ovim supstancama i ograničile njihovo širenje u životnoj sredini. Uz osvrt na probleme sa kojima se suočavamo prilikom otkrivanja ove grupe jedinjenja u otpadnim vodama, kao i pri samoj remedijaciji, u radu su prikazane i metode uklanjanja PFAS iz otpadnih voda.
AB  - Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of chemicals that are widely used due to their hydrophobic and lipophilic properties, which make them resistant to water, oil and heat. These substances have been used in the production of various products such as Teflon coatings, waterproof textile materials, fire extinguishing agents, and many others. However, due to their persistence and ability to accumulate in animals and the environment, PFAS have become a concern for the environment and human health. PFAS get into waste water through direct emission as a consequence of production and industrial processes or subsequently, through the use of products containing these harmful chemicals, as well as their careless disposal. After reaching wastewater, PFAS can spread and contaminate water systems, which can endanger the health of humans and animals that consume that water. Due to growing concern about the potential harmful effects of PFAS, many countries have begun to introduce strict regulation and control measures to reduce exposure to these substances and limit their spread in the environment. With reference to the problems we face when detecting this group of compounds in wastewater, as well as during the remediation itself, PFAS removal methods from waste water are described.
PB  - Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inžinjerstvo
T2  - Voda i sanitarna tehnika
T1  - Per- i polifluoroalkil supstance (PFAS) - izvori zagađenja, izazovi remedijacije i potencijalni abiotički tretmani zagađenih voda
T1  - Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) - sources of pollution, challenges of remediation and potential abiotic treatments of polluted waters
IS  - 2
SP  - 5
EP  - 16
DO  - 10.5281/zenodo.12634290
ER  - 
author = "Kasalica, Kristina and Lješević, Marija and Joksimović, Kristina and Lončarević, Branka and Petronijević, Natalija and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Per- i polifluoroalkil supstance (PFAS - per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) su grupa jedinjenja koja su široko korišćena zbog svojih hidrofobnih i lipofilnih svojstava, što ih čini otpornim na vodu, ulje i toplotu. Ove supstance su korišćene u proizvodnji različitih proizvoda kao što su teflonski premazi, vodootporni tekstilni materijali i sredstva za gašenje požara i mnogi drugi. Međutim, zbog njihove perzistentnosti i sposobnosti da se akumuliraju u životinjama i životnom okruženju, PFAS su postali predmet zabrinutosti za životnu sredinu i zdravlje ljudi. PFAS u otpadne vode mogu dospeti direktnom emisijom kao posledica proizvodnih i industrijskih procesa ili naknadno, upotrebom proizvoda koje sadrže ove štetne hemikalije, kao i neobazrivim odlaganjem istih. Nakon dospevanja u otpadne vode, PFAS se mogu širiti i kontaminirati vodne sisteme, što može ugroziti zdravlje ljudi i životinja koje konzumiraju tu vodu. Usled rastuće zabrinutosti od potencijalnih štetnih efekata PFAS, mnoge zemlje su počele da uvode strože regulative i mere kontrole kako bi smanjile izloženost ovim supstancama i ograničile njihovo širenje u životnoj sredini. Uz osvrt na probleme sa kojima se suočavamo prilikom otkrivanja ove grupe jedinjenja u otpadnim vodama, kao i pri samoj remedijaciji, u radu su prikazane i metode uklanjanja PFAS iz otpadnih voda., Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of chemicals that are widely used due to their hydrophobic and lipophilic properties, which make them resistant to water, oil and heat. These substances have been used in the production of various products such as Teflon coatings, waterproof textile materials, fire extinguishing agents, and many others. However, due to their persistence and ability to accumulate in animals and the environment, PFAS have become a concern for the environment and human health. PFAS get into waste water through direct emission as a consequence of production and industrial processes or subsequently, through the use of products containing these harmful chemicals, as well as their careless disposal. After reaching wastewater, PFAS can spread and contaminate water systems, which can endanger the health of humans and animals that consume that water. Due to growing concern about the potential harmful effects of PFAS, many countries have begun to introduce strict regulation and control measures to reduce exposure to these substances and limit their spread in the environment. With reference to the problems we face when detecting this group of compounds in wastewater, as well as during the remediation itself, PFAS removal methods from waste water are described.",
publisher = "Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inžinjerstvo",
journal = "Voda i sanitarna tehnika",
title = "Per- i polifluoroalkil supstance (PFAS) - izvori zagađenja, izazovi remedijacije i potencijalni abiotički tretmani zagađenih voda, Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) - sources of pollution, challenges of remediation and potential abiotic treatments of polluted waters",
number = "2",
pages = "5-16",
doi = "10.5281/zenodo.12634290"
Kasalica, K., Lješević, M., Joksimović, K., Lončarević, B., Petronijević, N.,& Beškoski, V.. (2024). Per- i polifluoroalkil supstance (PFAS) - izvori zagađenja, izazovi remedijacije i potencijalni abiotički tretmani zagađenih voda. in Voda i sanitarna tehnika
Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inžinjerstvo.(2), 5-16.
Kasalica K, Lješević M, Joksimović K, Lončarević B, Petronijević N, Beškoski V. Per- i polifluoroalkil supstance (PFAS) - izvori zagađenja, izazovi remedijacije i potencijalni abiotički tretmani zagađenih voda. in Voda i sanitarna tehnika. 2024;(2):5-16.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.12634290 .
Kasalica, Kristina, Lješević, Marija, Joksimović, Kristina, Lončarević, Branka, Petronijević, Natalija, Beškoski, Vladimir, "Per- i polifluoroalkil supstance (PFAS) - izvori zagađenja, izazovi remedijacije i potencijalni abiotički tretmani zagađenih voda" in Voda i sanitarna tehnika, no. 2 (2024):5-16, . .

Elektrohemijska degradacija reaktivnih organskih boja upotrebom mikrobnih gorivnih ćelija

Joksimović, Kristina

(Универзитет у Београду, Хемијски факултет, 2023)

AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
PY  - 2023
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Cilj ove disertacije je primena MFC sistema kao obnovljivog izvora „zelene“ energije zatretman otpadnih voda. U tu svrhu je izvršena optimizacija MFC radi dobijanja struje odgovarajućegintenziteta, koja se može iskoristiti za razgradnju reaktivnih organskih boja, glavnih zagađujućihsupstanci otpadnih voda. Prvi deo istraživanja obuhvata fizičko-hemijsku i mikrobiološkukarakterizaciju rečnog sedimenta koji je dalje korišćen za konstrukciju MFC sistema. Formirane sučetiri MFC ćelije: sa sterilnim, sa originalnim, sa biostimulisanim i sabiostimulisanim/biaugmentisanim rečnim sedimentom. Merenja napona na formiranim ćelijama supokazala da MFC sistem sa biostimulisanim sedimentom daje najbolje performanse.Fokus u drugom delu eksperimenata je bio izolovanje i karakterizacija mikroorganizama kojisu dominantno zastupljeni u sedimentu, a ujedno su i zaslužni za procese oksidacije u anodnom delukoji omogućavaju generisanje struje preko MFC. Izvršena je metagenomska analiza u uzorku rečnogsedimenta i u biostimulisanom rečnom sedimentu, kako bi se uporedio profil zastupljenih zajednicamikroorganizama.Studija degradacije i dekolorizacije Reactive Black 5 (RB5) azo boje izvedena je pomoćuelektrohemijski unapređenog oksidacionog procesa i opisana je u trećem segmentu disertacije.Elektro-Fentonov proces je uspostavljen upotrebom radne elektrode od 15% Fe i dodatkom H2O2 urastvor RB5 boje, dok je set od tri paralelno vezane MFC, sa biostimulisanim sedimentom, služiokao izvor struje. Optimizacija procesa elektrohemijskog tretmana RB5 je sprovedena na koncentracijiboje od 25 mg/L. Efikasnost degradacija RB5 boje je potvrđena upotrebom analitičkih metodaUV/VIS, FTIR i HPLC-MS. Testovi za procenu ekotoksičnosti, izvedeni pomoću Aliivibrio fischeri,pokazuju da su degradacioni proizvodi nastali u ovom eksperimentu manje toksični od polazne boje
AB  - The goal of this dissertation is application of the MFC system as a renewable „green“ energysource in wasterwater treatment. For this purpose MFC was optimized in order to obtain a suitableamount of electricity that can be used to decompose reactive organic dyes, the primary pollutants ofwastewaters.The first part of the research includes physico-chemical and microbiological analysis ofthe river sediment, which was further used to construct the MFC system. Four MFC cells were formedcontaining: sterile, original, stimulated and biostimulated/bioaugmented river sediment. Voltagemeasurements on the established cells showed that the MFC with biostimulated sediment exibitedthe best performance.The focus of the second part of the study was the isolation and characterization ofmicroorganisms that are dominantly represented in the sediment, which enable the generation ofcurrent through the MFC. Metagenomic analysis was used to compare the profiles of microbialpopulations in a composite of river sediment and biostimulated river sediment.The study of degradation and decolorization of Reactive Black 5 (RB5) azo dye investigatedusing an electrochemically improved oxidation process is described in the last part of the dissertation.The Electro-Fenton process was established using a working electrode of 15% Fe and the addition ofH2O2 to the RB5 dye solution, while a set of three MFCs connected in parallel, with biostimulatedsediment, served as the current source. Optimization of the RB5 electrochemical treatment processwas carried out at a dye concentration of 25 mg/L. The efficiency of degradation of RB5 dye wasconfirmed using analytical methods UV/VIS, FTIR and HPLC-MS. Ecotoxicity assessment tests,performed using Aliivibrio fischeri, show that the degradation products formed in this experiment areless toxic than the starting dye.
PB  - Универзитет у Београду, Хемијски факултет
T2  - Универзитет у Београду
T1  - Elektrohemijska degradacija reaktivnih organskih boja upotrebom mikrobnih gorivnih ćelija
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Joksimović, Kristina",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Cilj ove disertacije je primena MFC sistema kao obnovljivog izvora „zelene“ energije zatretman otpadnih voda. U tu svrhu je izvršena optimizacija MFC radi dobijanja struje odgovarajućegintenziteta, koja se može iskoristiti za razgradnju reaktivnih organskih boja, glavnih zagađujućihsupstanci otpadnih voda. Prvi deo istraživanja obuhvata fizičko-hemijsku i mikrobiološkukarakterizaciju rečnog sedimenta koji je dalje korišćen za konstrukciju MFC sistema. Formirane sučetiri MFC ćelije: sa sterilnim, sa originalnim, sa biostimulisanim i sabiostimulisanim/biaugmentisanim rečnim sedimentom. Merenja napona na formiranim ćelijama supokazala da MFC sistem sa biostimulisanim sedimentom daje najbolje performanse.Fokus u drugom delu eksperimenata je bio izolovanje i karakterizacija mikroorganizama kojisu dominantno zastupljeni u sedimentu, a ujedno su i zaslužni za procese oksidacije u anodnom delukoji omogućavaju generisanje struje preko MFC. Izvršena je metagenomska analiza u uzorku rečnogsedimenta i u biostimulisanom rečnom sedimentu, kako bi se uporedio profil zastupljenih zajednicamikroorganizama.Studija degradacije i dekolorizacije Reactive Black 5 (RB5) azo boje izvedena je pomoćuelektrohemijski unapređenog oksidacionog procesa i opisana je u trećem segmentu disertacije.Elektro-Fentonov proces je uspostavljen upotrebom radne elektrode od 15% Fe i dodatkom H2O2 urastvor RB5 boje, dok je set od tri paralelno vezane MFC, sa biostimulisanim sedimentom, služiokao izvor struje. Optimizacija procesa elektrohemijskog tretmana RB5 je sprovedena na koncentracijiboje od 25 mg/L. Efikasnost degradacija RB5 boje je potvrđena upotrebom analitičkih metodaUV/VIS, FTIR i HPLC-MS. Testovi za procenu ekotoksičnosti, izvedeni pomoću Aliivibrio fischeri,pokazuju da su degradacioni proizvodi nastali u ovom eksperimentu manje toksični od polazne boje, The goal of this dissertation is application of the MFC system as a renewable „green“ energysource in wasterwater treatment. For this purpose MFC was optimized in order to obtain a suitableamount of electricity that can be used to decompose reactive organic dyes, the primary pollutants ofwastewaters.The first part of the research includes physico-chemical and microbiological analysis ofthe river sediment, which was further used to construct the MFC system. Four MFC cells were formedcontaining: sterile, original, stimulated and biostimulated/bioaugmented river sediment. Voltagemeasurements on the established cells showed that the MFC with biostimulated sediment exibitedthe best performance.The focus of the second part of the study was the isolation and characterization ofmicroorganisms that are dominantly represented in the sediment, which enable the generation ofcurrent through the MFC. Metagenomic analysis was used to compare the profiles of microbialpopulations in a composite of river sediment and biostimulated river sediment.The study of degradation and decolorization of Reactive Black 5 (RB5) azo dye investigatedusing an electrochemically improved oxidation process is described in the last part of the dissertation.The Electro-Fenton process was established using a working electrode of 15% Fe and the addition ofH2O2 to the RB5 dye solution, while a set of three MFCs connected in parallel, with biostimulatedsediment, served as the current source. Optimization of the RB5 electrochemical treatment processwas carried out at a dye concentration of 25 mg/L. The efficiency of degradation of RB5 dye wasconfirmed using analytical methods UV/VIS, FTIR and HPLC-MS. Ecotoxicity assessment tests,performed using Aliivibrio fischeri, show that the degradation products formed in this experiment areless toxic than the starting dye.",
publisher = "Универзитет у Београду, Хемијски факултет",
journal = "Универзитет у Београду",
title = "Elektrohemijska degradacija reaktivnih organskih boja upotrebom mikrobnih gorivnih ćelija",
url = ""
Joksimović, K.. (2023). Elektrohemijska degradacija reaktivnih organskih boja upotrebom mikrobnih gorivnih ćelija. in Универзитет у Београду
Универзитет у Београду, Хемијски факултет..
Joksimović K. Elektrohemijska degradacija reaktivnih organskih boja upotrebom mikrobnih gorivnih ćelija. in Универзитет у Београду. 2023;. .
Joksimović, Kristina, "Elektrohemijska degradacija reaktivnih organskih boja upotrebom mikrobnih gorivnih ćelija" in Универзитет у Београду (2023), .

Isolation and characterization of microorganisms highly tolerant to perfluorinated compounds

Kasalica, Kristina; Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Joksimović, Kristina; Lješević, Marija; Butrić, Galja; Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D.; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society, 2023)

AU  - Kasalica, Kristina
AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Lješević, Marija
AU  - Butrić, Galja
AU  - Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D.
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Razvoj hemijske industrije u prošlom veku pozitivno je uticao na životni standard, ali je za sobom ostavio značajne količine toksičnih supstanci u životnoj sredini. Dugotrajne organske zagađujuće supstance (Persistant Organic Pollutants - POPs) su antropogene hemikalije koje se zadržavaju, akumuliraju u lancu ishrane i imaju štetne posledice po zdravlje ljudi i životnu sredinu [1]. Per- i polifluoralkil supstance (PFAS) kao što su perfluorooktanska kiselina (PFOA), perfluorooktan sulfonska kiselina (PFOS) i od 2022. godine perfluoroheksan sulfonska kiselina (PFHxS) se nalaze na listi POPs hemikalija [2]. Publikacije proistekle iz istraživanja na temu PFAS supstanci ukazuju da mikroorganizmi koji su izolovani iz životne sredine zagađene ovim jedinjenjima mogu smanjiti količinu istih usled biosorpcije, ali i potencijalne biotransformacije i biodegradacije [3,4].
PB  - Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society
C3  - 9th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection EnviroChem2023, Book of Abstract, 4-7 June 2023, Kladovo, Serbia
T1  - Isolation and characterization of microorganisms highly tolerant to perfluorinated compounds
SP  - 119
EP  - 120
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kasalica, Kristina and Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Joksimović, Kristina and Lješević, Marija and Butrić, Galja and Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D. and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Razvoj hemijske industrije u prošlom veku pozitivno je uticao na životni standard, ali je za sobom ostavio značajne količine toksičnih supstanci u životnoj sredini. Dugotrajne organske zagađujuće supstance (Persistant Organic Pollutants - POPs) su antropogene hemikalije koje se zadržavaju, akumuliraju u lancu ishrane i imaju štetne posledice po zdravlje ljudi i životnu sredinu [1]. Per- i polifluoralkil supstance (PFAS) kao što su perfluorooktanska kiselina (PFOA), perfluorooktan sulfonska kiselina (PFOS) i od 2022. godine perfluoroheksan sulfonska kiselina (PFHxS) se nalaze na listi POPs hemikalija [2]. Publikacije proistekle iz istraživanja na temu PFAS supstanci ukazuju da mikroorganizmi koji su izolovani iz životne sredine zagađene ovim jedinjenjima mogu smanjiti količinu istih usled biosorpcije, ali i potencijalne biotransformacije i biodegradacije [3,4].",
publisher = "Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society",
journal = "9th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection EnviroChem2023, Book of Abstract, 4-7 June 2023, Kladovo, Serbia",
title = "Isolation and characterization of microorganisms highly tolerant to perfluorinated compounds",
pages = "119-120",
url = ""
Kasalica, K., Žerađanin, A., Joksimović, K., Lješević, M., Butrić, G., Gojgić-Cvijović, G. D.,& Beškoski, V.. (2023). Isolation and characterization of microorganisms highly tolerant to perfluorinated compounds. in 9th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection EnviroChem2023, Book of Abstract, 4-7 June 2023, Kladovo, Serbia
Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society., 119-120.
Kasalica K, Žerađanin A, Joksimović K, Lješević M, Butrić G, Gojgić-Cvijović GD, Beškoski V. Isolation and characterization of microorganisms highly tolerant to perfluorinated compounds. in 9th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection EnviroChem2023, Book of Abstract, 4-7 June 2023, Kladovo, Serbia. 2023;:119-120. .
Kasalica, Kristina, Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Joksimović, Kristina, Lješević, Marija, Butrić, Galja, Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D., Beškoski, Vladimir, "Isolation and characterization of microorganisms highly tolerant to perfluorinated compounds" in 9th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection EnviroChem2023, Book of Abstract, 4-7 June 2023, Kladovo, Serbia (2023):119-120, .

Bioremediation of river sediment polluted with polychlorinated biphenyls: A laboratory study

Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Joksimović, Kristina; Avdalović, Jelena; Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D.; Nakano, Takeshi; Miletić, Srđan B.; Ilić, Mila; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society, 2022)

AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Avdalović, Jelena
AU  - Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D.
AU  - Nakano, Takeshi
AU  - Miletić, Srđan B.
AU  - Ilić, Mila
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are lipophilic, constant and bioaccumulative toxic compounds. In general, they are considered resistant to biological, photolytic, and chemical degradation with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) belonging to these chemicals. PCBs were never produced in Serbia, but they were imported and mainly used in electrical equipment, transformers, and capacitors. Our study aimed to analyse sequential multi-stage aerobic/anaerobic microbial biodegradation of PCBs present in the river sediment from the area known for long-term pollution with these chemicals. The study with an autochthonous natural microbial community (NMC model system) and NMC augmented with allochthonous hydrocarbon-degrading (AHD) microorganisms (isolated from location contaminated with petroleum products) (NMC-AHD model system) was performed in order to estimate the potential of these microorganisms for possible use in future bioremediation treatment of these sites. The laboratory biodegradation study lasted 70 days, after which an overall >33 % reduction in the concentration of total PCBs was observed. This study confirmed the strong potential of the NMC for the reduction of the level of PCBs in the river sediment under alternating multi-stage aerobic/anaerobic conditions.
AB  - Дуготрајне органске загађујуће супстанце (POPs) су липофилна, постојана и биоакумулативна токсична једињења. Уопштено говорећи, сматрају се отпорним на биолошку, фотолитичку и хемијску деградацију, а полихлоровани бифенили (PCBs) спадају у групу ових хемикалија. У Србији се PCBs никада нису производили, али су се увозили и углавном користили у електроопреми, трансформаторима и кондензаторима. Циљнашег истраживања био је да се анализира секвенцијална вишестепена аеробна/анаеробна микробиолошка разградња PCBs присутних у речном седименту са подручја познатог по дуготрајном загађењу овим једињењима. Проучавање активности конзорцијума аутохтоних природно присутних микроорганизама (NMC конзорцијум) и NMC суплементисаних конзорцијумом алохтоних угљоводоник деградирајућих (HD) микроорганизама (изолованих са локација контаминираних нафтним дериватима) (NMC-HD конзорцијум) је изведено како би се проценила способност ових микроорганизама за потренцијалну употребу у будућим биоремедијационим третманима оваквих локалитета. Лабораторијска студија биоразградње је трајала 70 дана, након чега је уочено смањење концентрације укупних PCBs за >33 %. Ово истраживање је потврдило снажан потенцијал аутохтоних микроорганизама за смањење нивоа PCBs у речном седименту у наизменичним вишестепеним аеробним/анаеробним условима.
PB  - Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society
T2  - Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
T1  - Bioremediation of river sediment polluted with polychlorinated biphenyls: A laboratory study
T1  - Биодеградација полихлорованих бифенила у речном седименту: лабораторијска студија
VL  - 87
IS  - 1
SP  - 95
EP  - 107
DO  - 10.2298/JSC211217113Z
ER  - 
author = "Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Joksimović, Kristina and Avdalović, Jelena and Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D. and Nakano, Takeshi and Miletić, Srđan B. and Ilić, Mila and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are lipophilic, constant and bioaccumulative toxic compounds. In general, they are considered resistant to biological, photolytic, and chemical degradation with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) belonging to these chemicals. PCBs were never produced in Serbia, but they were imported and mainly used in electrical equipment, transformers, and capacitors. Our study aimed to analyse sequential multi-stage aerobic/anaerobic microbial biodegradation of PCBs present in the river sediment from the area known for long-term pollution with these chemicals. The study with an autochthonous natural microbial community (NMC model system) and NMC augmented with allochthonous hydrocarbon-degrading (AHD) microorganisms (isolated from location contaminated with petroleum products) (NMC-AHD model system) was performed in order to estimate the potential of these microorganisms for possible use in future bioremediation treatment of these sites. The laboratory biodegradation study lasted 70 days, after which an overall >33 % reduction in the concentration of total PCBs was observed. This study confirmed the strong potential of the NMC for the reduction of the level of PCBs in the river sediment under alternating multi-stage aerobic/anaerobic conditions., Дуготрајне органске загађујуће супстанце (POPs) су липофилна, постојана и биоакумулативна токсична једињења. Уопштено говорећи, сматрају се отпорним на биолошку, фотолитичку и хемијску деградацију, а полихлоровани бифенили (PCBs) спадају у групу ових хемикалија. У Србији се PCBs никада нису производили, али су се увозили и углавном користили у електроопреми, трансформаторима и кондензаторима. Циљнашег истраживања био је да се анализира секвенцијална вишестепена аеробна/анаеробна микробиолошка разградња PCBs присутних у речном седименту са подручја познатог по дуготрајном загађењу овим једињењима. Проучавање активности конзорцијума аутохтоних природно присутних микроорганизама (NMC конзорцијум) и NMC суплементисаних конзорцијумом алохтоних угљоводоник деградирајућих (HD) микроорганизама (изолованих са локација контаминираних нафтним дериватима) (NMC-HD конзорцијум) је изведено како би се проценила способност ових микроорганизама за потренцијалну употребу у будућим биоремедијационим третманима оваквих локалитета. Лабораторијска студија биоразградње је трајала 70 дана, након чега је уочено смањење концентрације укупних PCBs за >33 %. Ово истраживање је потврдило снажан потенцијал аутохтоних микроорганизама за смањење нивоа PCBs у речном седименту у наизменичним вишестепеним аеробним/анаеробним условима.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society",
journal = "Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society",
title = "Bioremediation of river sediment polluted with polychlorinated biphenyls: A laboratory study, Биодеградација полихлорованих бифенила у речном седименту: лабораторијска студија",
volume = "87",
number = "1",
pages = "95-107",
doi = "10.2298/JSC211217113Z"
Žerađanin, A., Joksimović, K., Avdalović, J., Gojgić-Cvijović, G. D., Nakano, T., Miletić, S. B., Ilić, M.,& Beškoski, V.. (2022). Bioremediation of river sediment polluted with polychlorinated biphenyls: A laboratory study. in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society., 87(1), 95-107.
Žerađanin A, Joksimović K, Avdalović J, Gojgić-Cvijović GD, Nakano T, Miletić SB, Ilić M, Beškoski V. Bioremediation of river sediment polluted with polychlorinated biphenyls: A laboratory study. in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society. 2022;87(1):95-107.
doi:10.2298/JSC211217113Z .
Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Joksimović, Kristina, Avdalović, Jelena, Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D., Nakano, Takeshi, Miletić, Srđan B., Ilić, Mila, Beškoski, Vladimir, "Bioremediation of river sediment polluted with polychlorinated biphenyls: A laboratory study" in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 87, no. 1 (2022):95-107, . .

Spatial–temporal assessment of hydrocarbon biodegradation mechanisms at a contaminated groundwater site in Serbia

Marić, Nenad; Štrbački, Jana; Polk, Jason; Slavković-Beškoski, Latinka; Avdalović, Jelena; Lješević, Marija; Joksimović, Kristina; Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Beškoski, Vladimir

(England: Taylor and Francis, 2022)

AU  - Marić, Nenad
AU  - Štrbački, Jana
AU  - Polk, Jason
AU  - Slavković-Beškoski, Latinka
AU  - Avdalović, Jelena
AU  - Lješević, Marija
AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The characterization and cleanup of groundwater contamination in hazardous-waste sites are of significant engineering and scientific importance. This study analyzes biodegradation fingerprints in groundwater, 25 years after the accidental leakage of kerosene (jet fuel) at the site in central Serbia. The long-term existence of hydrocarbon contamination and the presence of indigenous microbiological populations capable of biodegradation have been confirmed by the results of GCxGC-MS chromatography and microbiological characterization. Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), geochemical indicators, and other parameters were spatially analyzed to provide insight into biodegradation occurrence. The lowest concentrations of electron acceptors (O2, NO3-, and SO42-) and the highest concentrations of microbial metabolic products (Mn and Fe) overlap in the piezometers closest to the source of contamination, due to the occurrence of different biodegradation mechanisms. Based on the analysis of redox-sensitive compounds, the mixed oxic-anoxic processes in groundwater also correspond to the aforementioned zone, as confirmed by the redox potential (Eh) measurements. The results of cross-study analysis reveal further reduction of hydrocarbon contamination, the occurrence of less anoxic redox processes, and the increase of oxic conditions in groundwater. Overall, the results provide clear evidence of the biodegradation effects in groundwater and insight into their evolution under natural attenuation processes.
PB  - England: Taylor and Francis
T2  - Chemistry and Ecology
T1  - Spatial–temporal assessment of hydrocarbon biodegradation mechanisms at a contaminated groundwater site in Serbia
VL  - 38
IS  - 2
SP  - 95
EP  - 107
DO  - 10.1080/02757540.2021.2017903
ER  - 
author = "Marić, Nenad and Štrbački, Jana and Polk, Jason and Slavković-Beškoski, Latinka and Avdalović, Jelena and Lješević, Marija and Joksimović, Kristina and Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The characterization and cleanup of groundwater contamination in hazardous-waste sites are of significant engineering and scientific importance. This study analyzes biodegradation fingerprints in groundwater, 25 years after the accidental leakage of kerosene (jet fuel) at the site in central Serbia. The long-term existence of hydrocarbon contamination and the presence of indigenous microbiological populations capable of biodegradation have been confirmed by the results of GCxGC-MS chromatography and microbiological characterization. Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), geochemical indicators, and other parameters were spatially analyzed to provide insight into biodegradation occurrence. The lowest concentrations of electron acceptors (O2, NO3-, and SO42-) and the highest concentrations of microbial metabolic products (Mn and Fe) overlap in the piezometers closest to the source of contamination, due to the occurrence of different biodegradation mechanisms. Based on the analysis of redox-sensitive compounds, the mixed oxic-anoxic processes in groundwater also correspond to the aforementioned zone, as confirmed by the redox potential (Eh) measurements. The results of cross-study analysis reveal further reduction of hydrocarbon contamination, the occurrence of less anoxic redox processes, and the increase of oxic conditions in groundwater. Overall, the results provide clear evidence of the biodegradation effects in groundwater and insight into their evolution under natural attenuation processes.",
publisher = "England: Taylor and Francis",
journal = "Chemistry and Ecology",
title = "Spatial–temporal assessment of hydrocarbon biodegradation mechanisms at a contaminated groundwater site in Serbia",
volume = "38",
number = "2",
pages = "95-107",
doi = "10.1080/02757540.2021.2017903"
Marić, N., Štrbački, J., Polk, J., Slavković-Beškoski, L., Avdalović, J., Lješević, M., Joksimović, K., Žerađanin, A.,& Beškoski, V.. (2022). Spatial–temporal assessment of hydrocarbon biodegradation mechanisms at a contaminated groundwater site in Serbia. in Chemistry and Ecology
England: Taylor and Francis., 38(2), 95-107.
Marić N, Štrbački J, Polk J, Slavković-Beškoski L, Avdalović J, Lješević M, Joksimović K, Žerađanin A, Beškoski V. Spatial–temporal assessment of hydrocarbon biodegradation mechanisms at a contaminated groundwater site in Serbia. in Chemistry and Ecology. 2022;38(2):95-107.
doi:10.1080/02757540.2021.2017903 .
Marić, Nenad, Štrbački, Jana, Polk, Jason, Slavković-Beškoski, Latinka, Avdalović, Jelena, Lješević, Marija, Joksimović, Kristina, Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Beškoski, Vladimir, "Spatial–temporal assessment of hydrocarbon biodegradation mechanisms at a contaminated groundwater site in Serbia" in Chemistry and Ecology, 38, no. 2 (2022):95-107, . .

Microbial fuel cells as an electrical energy source for degradation followed by decolorization of Reactive Black 5 azo dye

Joksimović, Kristina; Kodranov, Igor D.; Randjelović, Danijela; Slavković-Beškoski, Latinka; Radulović, Jelena; Lješević, Marija; Manojlović, Dragan D.; Beškoski, Vladimir


AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Kodranov, Igor D.
AU  - Randjelović, Danijela
AU  - Slavković-Beškoski, Latinka
AU  - Radulović, Jelena
AU  - Lješević, Marija
AU  - Manojlović, Dragan D.
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2022
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - The problem of wastewater has long been ubiquitous and has great consequences for the environment and its inhabitants. Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) have enormous potential for the treatment of wastewaters polluted with azo dyes. The amount of energy that can be produced from a single-chamber MFC is sufficient to perform decolorization and degradation of such dyes, which are widely used in the textile industry. This study on the azo dye, reactive black 5 (RB5), provides an alternative method through three parallel-connected MFCs to obtain electricity that directly serves for the dye’s electrochemical degradation. We examined degradation followed by decolorization of RB5 using Fe and Pt electrodes, together with H2O2, to achieve the electro-Fenton process. The amount of voltage produced (295 mV), the current density (276 mA m−3) and the power density (50 mW m−3) were sufficient to degrade 25 mg L-1 RB5 dye with 0.5 mM H2O2 in just 2 h. The dye degradation mechanism was investigated using UV–VIS, FT-IR and HPLC-MS/MS. The ecotoxicity of the degradation products was assessed using a bacterial model, Aliivibrio fischeri. These tests showed that there was successful degradation of the dye to products whose toxicity is less than that of RB5.
T2  - Bioelectrochemistry
T1  - Microbial fuel cells as an electrical energy source for degradation followed by decolorization of Reactive Black 5 azo dye
VL  - 145
SP  - 108088
DO  - 10.1016/j.bioelechem.2022.108088
ER  - 
author = "Joksimović, Kristina and Kodranov, Igor D. and Randjelović, Danijela and Slavković-Beškoski, Latinka and Radulović, Jelena and Lješević, Marija and Manojlović, Dragan D. and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The problem of wastewater has long been ubiquitous and has great consequences for the environment and its inhabitants. Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) have enormous potential for the treatment of wastewaters polluted with azo dyes. The amount of energy that can be produced from a single-chamber MFC is sufficient to perform decolorization and degradation of such dyes, which are widely used in the textile industry. This study on the azo dye, reactive black 5 (RB5), provides an alternative method through three parallel-connected MFCs to obtain electricity that directly serves for the dye’s electrochemical degradation. We examined degradation followed by decolorization of RB5 using Fe and Pt electrodes, together with H2O2, to achieve the electro-Fenton process. The amount of voltage produced (295 mV), the current density (276 mA m−3) and the power density (50 mW m−3) were sufficient to degrade 25 mg L-1 RB5 dye with 0.5 mM H2O2 in just 2 h. The dye degradation mechanism was investigated using UV–VIS, FT-IR and HPLC-MS/MS. The ecotoxicity of the degradation products was assessed using a bacterial model, Aliivibrio fischeri. These tests showed that there was successful degradation of the dye to products whose toxicity is less than that of RB5.",
journal = "Bioelectrochemistry",
title = "Microbial fuel cells as an electrical energy source for degradation followed by decolorization of Reactive Black 5 azo dye",
volume = "145",
pages = "108088",
doi = "10.1016/j.bioelechem.2022.108088"
Joksimović, K., Kodranov, I. D., Randjelović, D., Slavković-Beškoski, L., Radulović, J., Lješević, M., Manojlović, D. D.,& Beškoski, V.. (2022). Microbial fuel cells as an electrical energy source for degradation followed by decolorization of Reactive Black 5 azo dye. in Bioelectrochemistry, 145, 108088.
Joksimović K, Kodranov ID, Randjelović D, Slavković-Beškoski L, Radulović J, Lješević M, Manojlović DD, Beškoski V. Microbial fuel cells as an electrical energy source for degradation followed by decolorization of Reactive Black 5 azo dye. in Bioelectrochemistry. 2022;145:108088.
doi:10.1016/j.bioelechem.2022.108088 .
Joksimović, Kristina, Kodranov, Igor D., Randjelović, Danijela, Slavković-Beškoski, Latinka, Radulović, Jelena, Lješević, Marija, Manojlović, Dragan D., Beškoski, Vladimir, "Microbial fuel cells as an electrical energy source for degradation followed by decolorization of Reactive Black 5 azo dye" in Bioelectrochemistry, 145 (2022):108088, . .

Polyphenolic and Chemical Profiles of Honey From the Tara Mountain in Serbia

Nedić, Nebojša; Nešović, Milica; Radišić, Predrag; Gašić, Uroš M.; Baošić, Rada; Joksimović, Kristina; Pezo, Lato; Tešić, Živoslav Lj.; Vovk, Irena

(Frontiers Media S.A., 2022)

AU  - Nedić, Nebojša
AU  - Nešović, Milica
AU  - Radišić, Predrag
AU  - Gašić, Uroš M.
AU  - Baošić, Rada
AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Pezo, Lato
AU  - Tešić, Živoslav Lj.
AU  - Vovk, Irena
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - This study presents a detailed characterization of 27 honey samples from the Tara Mountain region in Serbia using different comprehensive techniques and methods. The types of the honey samples were defined as monofloral (4 samples), honeydew (5 samples) and polyfloral (18 samples) honey based on determined polyphenol content, antioxidant activity, electrical conductivity and melissopalynological analyses. Physicochemical parameters such as pH (4.13–4.94), diastase activity (24.20–41.70 DN), acidity (14.60–29.70 meq/kg), content of 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural (in range below 5, up to 16.90 mg/kg), sucrose (0.20–3.90 g/100 g), and moisture content (15.01–19.23%) confirmed the required quality of the honey samples. Sensory analysis revealed honey characteristics favorable to consumers. Analyses of 19 phenolic compounds using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography with a diode-array detection and triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (UHPLC-DAD-MS/MS) revealed six phenolic acids and 13 other compounds from the group of flavonoids and their glycosides. In all the samples the highest content was determined for p-coumaric acid, followed by caffeic acid and pinocembrin. Besides total phenolic content and radical scavenging activity, antimicrobial activity was also examined. Most honey samples showed bactericidal activity against Staphylococcus aureus and bacteriostatic activity against Escherichia coli, while none of the honey samples inhibited the growth of Candida albicans. Chemometric analyses were applied for an in-depth study of the results to further evaluate the characteristics of the honey samples studied. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used for assessing the differences in physicochemical parameters, polyphenols content and antioxidant capacity between honey samples. The unrooted cluster tree was used to group the samples based on the melissopalynological analyses.
PB  - Frontiers Media S.A.
T2  - Frontiers in Nutrition
T2  - Frontiers in Nutrition
T1  - Polyphenolic and Chemical Profiles of Honey From the Tara Mountain in Serbia
VL  - 9
SP  - 941463
DO  - 10.3389/fnut.2022.941463
ER  - 
author = "Nedić, Nebojša and Nešović, Milica and Radišić, Predrag and Gašić, Uroš M. and Baošić, Rada and Joksimović, Kristina and Pezo, Lato and Tešić, Živoslav Lj. and Vovk, Irena",
year = "2022",
abstract = "This study presents a detailed characterization of 27 honey samples from the Tara Mountain region in Serbia using different comprehensive techniques and methods. The types of the honey samples were defined as monofloral (4 samples), honeydew (5 samples) and polyfloral (18 samples) honey based on determined polyphenol content, antioxidant activity, electrical conductivity and melissopalynological analyses. Physicochemical parameters such as pH (4.13–4.94), diastase activity (24.20–41.70 DN), acidity (14.60–29.70 meq/kg), content of 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural (in range below 5, up to 16.90 mg/kg), sucrose (0.20–3.90 g/100 g), and moisture content (15.01–19.23%) confirmed the required quality of the honey samples. Sensory analysis revealed honey characteristics favorable to consumers. Analyses of 19 phenolic compounds using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography with a diode-array detection and triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (UHPLC-DAD-MS/MS) revealed six phenolic acids and 13 other compounds from the group of flavonoids and their glycosides. In all the samples the highest content was determined for p-coumaric acid, followed by caffeic acid and pinocembrin. Besides total phenolic content and radical scavenging activity, antimicrobial activity was also examined. Most honey samples showed bactericidal activity against Staphylococcus aureus and bacteriostatic activity against Escherichia coli, while none of the honey samples inhibited the growth of Candida albicans. Chemometric analyses were applied for an in-depth study of the results to further evaluate the characteristics of the honey samples studied. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used for assessing the differences in physicochemical parameters, polyphenols content and antioxidant capacity between honey samples. The unrooted cluster tree was used to group the samples based on the melissopalynological analyses.",
publisher = "Frontiers Media S.A.",
journal = "Frontiers in Nutrition, Frontiers in Nutrition",
title = "Polyphenolic and Chemical Profiles of Honey From the Tara Mountain in Serbia",
volume = "9",
pages = "941463",
doi = "10.3389/fnut.2022.941463"
Nedić, N., Nešović, M., Radišić, P., Gašić, U. M., Baošić, R., Joksimović, K., Pezo, L., Tešić, Ž. Lj.,& Vovk, I.. (2022). Polyphenolic and Chemical Profiles of Honey From the Tara Mountain in Serbia. in Frontiers in Nutrition
Frontiers Media S.A.., 9, 941463.
Nedić N, Nešović M, Radišić P, Gašić UM, Baošić R, Joksimović K, Pezo L, Tešić ŽL, Vovk I. Polyphenolic and Chemical Profiles of Honey From the Tara Mountain in Serbia. in Frontiers in Nutrition. 2022;9:941463.
doi:10.3389/fnut.2022.941463 .
Nedić, Nebojša, Nešović, Milica, Radišić, Predrag, Gašić, Uroš M., Baošić, Rada, Joksimović, Kristina, Pezo, Lato, Tešić, Živoslav Lj., Vovk, Irena, "Polyphenolic and Chemical Profiles of Honey From the Tara Mountain in Serbia" in Frontiers in Nutrition, 9 (2022):941463, . .

Study on the assessment of humification processes during biodegradation of heavy residual fuel oil

Avdalović, Jelena; Miletić, Srđan B.; Božović, Olga; Šolević-Knudsen, Tatjana; Stanković, Dalibor; Lugonja, Nikoleta; Spasić, Snežana; Joksimović, Kristina; Dragičević, Igor; Vrvić, Miroslav M.

(Elsevier, 2021)

AU  - Avdalović, Jelena
AU  - Miletić, Srđan B.
AU  - Božović, Olga
AU  - Šolević-Knudsen, Tatjana
AU  - Stanković, Dalibor
AU  - Lugonja, Nikoleta
AU  - Spasić, Snežana
AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Dragičević, Igor
AU  - Vrvić, Miroslav M.
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this study was to investigate the creation of humic substances during biodegradation of heavy residual fuel oil, because there are indications that substances similar to humic substances are generated during biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. In the study, which lasted for 110 days, biodegradation of heavy residual fuel oil was carried out in a layer of artificial soil substrate. The initial concentration of the total petroleum hydrocarbon in the prepared artificial soil substrate (biopile) was 23.1 g kg-1 dry weight (d.w.). At the end of the process, the total petroleum hydrocarbons were reduced to 8.1 g kg-1 d.w. in the inoculated biopile, while the content of humic acids increased during bioremediation from 3.15 g kg-1 d.w. to 4.95 g kg-1 d.w. The humic acids extracted from biopile during the biodegradation process were characterized by various chemical techniques (elemental analysis, spectrofluorimetric analysis, electrochemical measurements, and size exclusion chromatography). The results showed that levels of C, H and the H/C ratio decreased as the biodegradation process progressed. This indicated that humic acids aromatization process took place and this was confirmed by the spectrofluorimetric analysis. The increase of oxygen percentage and the O/C ratio in the humic acids after the biodegradation treatment indicated an increase in functional oxygen groups. Additional analyses of humic acids from the inoculated biopile showed that they were transformed during the bioremediation process. They had greater redox and buffering capacities and a larger portion of the fractions had high molecular mass. Also, the humification parameters (the CHAs/CFAs ratio and CHAs/Corg ratio) increased during the biodegradation. This is one of the few studies that describes the generation of humic substances during the biodegradation of oil compounds.
PB  - Elsevier
T2  - Science of the Total Environment
T1  - Study on the assessment of humification processes during biodegradation of heavy residual fuel oil
VL  - 797
SP  - 149099
DO  - 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149099
ER  - 
author = "Avdalović, Jelena and Miletić, Srđan B. and Božović, Olga and Šolević-Knudsen, Tatjana and Stanković, Dalibor and Lugonja, Nikoleta and Spasić, Snežana and Joksimović, Kristina and Dragičević, Igor and Vrvić, Miroslav M.",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The aim of this study was to investigate the creation of humic substances during biodegradation of heavy residual fuel oil, because there are indications that substances similar to humic substances are generated during biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. In the study, which lasted for 110 days, biodegradation of heavy residual fuel oil was carried out in a layer of artificial soil substrate. The initial concentration of the total petroleum hydrocarbon in the prepared artificial soil substrate (biopile) was 23.1 g kg-1 dry weight (d.w.). At the end of the process, the total petroleum hydrocarbons were reduced to 8.1 g kg-1 d.w. in the inoculated biopile, while the content of humic acids increased during bioremediation from 3.15 g kg-1 d.w. to 4.95 g kg-1 d.w. The humic acids extracted from biopile during the biodegradation process were characterized by various chemical techniques (elemental analysis, spectrofluorimetric analysis, electrochemical measurements, and size exclusion chromatography). The results showed that levels of C, H and the H/C ratio decreased as the biodegradation process progressed. This indicated that humic acids aromatization process took place and this was confirmed by the spectrofluorimetric analysis. The increase of oxygen percentage and the O/C ratio in the humic acids after the biodegradation treatment indicated an increase in functional oxygen groups. Additional analyses of humic acids from the inoculated biopile showed that they were transformed during the bioremediation process. They had greater redox and buffering capacities and a larger portion of the fractions had high molecular mass. Also, the humification parameters (the CHAs/CFAs ratio and CHAs/Corg ratio) increased during the biodegradation. This is one of the few studies that describes the generation of humic substances during the biodegradation of oil compounds.",
publisher = "Elsevier",
journal = "Science of the Total Environment",
title = "Study on the assessment of humification processes during biodegradation of heavy residual fuel oil",
volume = "797",
pages = "149099",
doi = "10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149099"
Avdalović, J., Miletić, S. B., Božović, O., Šolević-Knudsen, T., Stanković, D., Lugonja, N., Spasić, S., Joksimović, K., Dragičević, I.,& Vrvić, M. M.. (2021). Study on the assessment of humification processes during biodegradation of heavy residual fuel oil. in Science of the Total Environment
Elsevier., 797, 149099.
Avdalović J, Miletić SB, Božović O, Šolević-Knudsen T, Stanković D, Lugonja N, Spasić S, Joksimović K, Dragičević I, Vrvić MM. Study on the assessment of humification processes during biodegradation of heavy residual fuel oil. in Science of the Total Environment. 2021;797:149099.
doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149099 .
Avdalović, Jelena, Miletić, Srđan B., Božović, Olga, Šolević-Knudsen, Tatjana, Stanković, Dalibor, Lugonja, Nikoleta, Spasić, Snežana, Joksimović, Kristina, Dragičević, Igor, Vrvić, Miroslav M., "Study on the assessment of humification processes during biodegradation of heavy residual fuel oil" in Science of the Total Environment, 797 (2021):149099, . .

Decolorisation of the textile dye using microbial fuel cells as an electricity source

Joksimović, Kristina; Kodranov, Igor D.; Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Randjelović, Danijela; Popović, Bogdan; Manojlović, Dragan D.; Nakano, Takeshi; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Japan Society for Environmental Chemistry, 2021)

AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Kodranov, Igor D.
AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Randjelović, Danijela
AU  - Popović, Bogdan
AU  - Manojlović, Dragan D.
AU  - Nakano, Takeshi
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Microbial fuel cells are increasingly used as alternative energy sources. The amount of electricity produced by MFC systems is sufficient to run systems that do not require high energy consumption, such as electrochemical decomposition of wastewater from the textile dye industry. The aim of this study was to analyze the voltage and current of two parallelly-connected MFC cells used for decolorisation of the wastewater that contained Reactive Black 5 (RB5) dye.
PB  - Japan Society for Environmental Chemistry
C3  - 29th Symposium on Environmental Chemistry, June 1.-3., 2021 (virtual), Osaca (Japan)
T1  - Decolorisation of the textile dye using microbial fuel cells as an electricity source
SP  - 275
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Joksimović, Kristina and Kodranov, Igor D. and Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Randjelović, Danijela and Popović, Bogdan and Manojlović, Dragan D. and Nakano, Takeshi and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Microbial fuel cells are increasingly used as alternative energy sources. The amount of electricity produced by MFC systems is sufficient to run systems that do not require high energy consumption, such as electrochemical decomposition of wastewater from the textile dye industry. The aim of this study was to analyze the voltage and current of two parallelly-connected MFC cells used for decolorisation of the wastewater that contained Reactive Black 5 (RB5) dye.",
publisher = "Japan Society for Environmental Chemistry",
journal = "29th Symposium on Environmental Chemistry, June 1.-3., 2021 (virtual), Osaca (Japan)",
title = "Decolorisation of the textile dye using microbial fuel cells as an electricity source",
pages = "275",
url = ""
Joksimović, K., Kodranov, I. D., Žerađanin, A., Randjelović, D., Popović, B., Manojlović, D. D., Nakano, T.,& Beškoski, V.. (2021). Decolorisation of the textile dye using microbial fuel cells as an electricity source. in 29th Symposium on Environmental Chemistry, June 1.-3., 2021 (virtual), Osaca (Japan)
Japan Society for Environmental Chemistry., 275.
Joksimović K, Kodranov ID, Žerađanin A, Randjelović D, Popović B, Manojlović DD, Nakano T, Beškoski V. Decolorisation of the textile dye using microbial fuel cells as an electricity source. in 29th Symposium on Environmental Chemistry, June 1.-3., 2021 (virtual), Osaca (Japan). 2021;:275. .
Joksimović, Kristina, Kodranov, Igor D., Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Randjelović, Danijela, Popović, Bogdan, Manojlović, Dragan D., Nakano, Takeshi, Beškoski, Vladimir, "Decolorisation of the textile dye using microbial fuel cells as an electricity source" in 29th Symposium on Environmental Chemistry, June 1.-3., 2021 (virtual), Osaca (Japan) (2021):275, .

Analysis Of Microbial Community In Microbial Fuel Cell System

Joksimović, Kristina; Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D.; Lugonja, Nikoleta; Avdalović, Jelena; Miletić, Srđan B.; Beškoski, Vladimir


AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D.
AU  - Lugonja, Nikoleta
AU  - Avdalović, Jelena
AU  - Miletić, Srđan B.
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The poster presented at FEMS online Conference on Microbiology, 28 – 31 October 2020.
T1  - Analysis Of Microbial Community In Microbial Fuel Cell System
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Joksimović, Kristina and Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D. and Lugonja, Nikoleta and Avdalović, Jelena and Miletić, Srđan B. and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The poster presented at FEMS online Conference on Microbiology, 28 – 31 October 2020.",
title = "Analysis Of Microbial Community In Microbial Fuel Cell System",
url = ""
Joksimović, K., Žerađanin, A., Gojgić-Cvijović, G. D., Lugonja, N., Avdalović, J., Miletić, S. B.,& Beškoski, V.. (2020). Analysis Of Microbial Community In Microbial Fuel Cell System. .
Joksimović K, Žerađanin A, Gojgić-Cvijović GD, Lugonja N, Avdalović J, Miletić SB, Beškoski V. Analysis Of Microbial Community In Microbial Fuel Cell System. 2020;. .
Joksimović, Kristina, Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D., Lugonja, Nikoleta, Avdalović, Jelena, Miletić, Srđan B., Beškoski, Vladimir, "Analysis Of Microbial Community In Microbial Fuel Cell System" (2020), .

Microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons - in vitro study

Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Petrović, N.; Joksimović, Kristina; Avdalović, Jelena; Miletić, Srđan B.; Lugonja, Nikoleta; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS), 2020)

AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Petrović, N.
AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Avdalović, Jelena
AU  - Miletić, Srđan B.
AU  - Lugonja, Nikoleta
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Pollution of the environment by petroleum products is a global problem, since its extensive exploitation in broad areas.Microorganisms can degrade or transform toxic, petroleum derivates into harmless products with high efficiency.This study aimed to investigate the biodegradation process of petroleum hydrocarbons in contaminated sediment usingindigenous and a combination of indigenous and allochthonous microorganisms.The allochthonous microorganisms that were added belonged to the genera Acinetobacter and Citrobacter. The experiment lasted two weeks, and the degradation process took place in a closed vessel on a Micro-Oxymax respirometer.Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) were extracted and determined using a gas chromatograph with a flame ionization detector. The number of microorganisms at the beginning and end of the experiment was also determined.The results on the respirometer and gas chromatography indicated that the microorganisms were metabolically active.Indigenous microorganisms reduce the amount of TPH by 32.0% and the combination of indigenous-allochthonousmicroorganisms by 33.6%. The results showed that there is no significant difference between the application of autochthonous and the combination of indigenous-allochthonous microorganisms for the reduction of TPH in contaminatedsediment, suggesting a high potential of autochthonous microorganisms for bioremediation processes.
PB  - Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS)
C3  - Electronic abstract book -  FEMS online Conference on Microbiology
T1  - Microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons - in vitro study
SP  - 357
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Petrović, N. and Joksimović, Kristina and Avdalović, Jelena and Miletić, Srđan B. and Lugonja, Nikoleta and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Pollution of the environment by petroleum products is a global problem, since its extensive exploitation in broad areas.Microorganisms can degrade or transform toxic, petroleum derivates into harmless products with high efficiency.This study aimed to investigate the biodegradation process of petroleum hydrocarbons in contaminated sediment usingindigenous and a combination of indigenous and allochthonous microorganisms.The allochthonous microorganisms that were added belonged to the genera Acinetobacter and Citrobacter. The experiment lasted two weeks, and the degradation process took place in a closed vessel on a Micro-Oxymax respirometer.Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) were extracted and determined using a gas chromatograph with a flame ionization detector. The number of microorganisms at the beginning and end of the experiment was also determined.The results on the respirometer and gas chromatography indicated that the microorganisms were metabolically active.Indigenous microorganisms reduce the amount of TPH by 32.0% and the combination of indigenous-allochthonousmicroorganisms by 33.6%. The results showed that there is no significant difference between the application of autochthonous and the combination of indigenous-allochthonous microorganisms for the reduction of TPH in contaminatedsediment, suggesting a high potential of autochthonous microorganisms for bioremediation processes.",
publisher = "Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS)",
journal = "Electronic abstract book -  FEMS online Conference on Microbiology",
title = "Microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons - in vitro study",
pages = "357",
url = ""
Žerađanin, A., Petrović, N., Joksimović, K., Avdalović, J., Miletić, S. B., Lugonja, N.,& Beškoski, V.. (2020). Microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons - in vitro study. in Electronic abstract book -  FEMS online Conference on Microbiology
Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS)., 357.
Žerađanin A, Petrović N, Joksimović K, Avdalović J, Miletić SB, Lugonja N, Beškoski V. Microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons - in vitro study. in Electronic abstract book -  FEMS online Conference on Microbiology. 2020;:357. .
Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Petrović, N., Joksimović, Kristina, Avdalović, Jelena, Miletić, Srđan B., Lugonja, Nikoleta, Beškoski, Vladimir, "Microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons - in vitro study" in Electronic abstract book -  FEMS online Conference on Microbiology (2020):357, .

Analysis Of Microbial Community In Microbial Fuel Cell System

Joksimović, Kristina; Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D.; Lugonja, Nikoleta; Avdalović, Jelena; Miletić, Srđan B.; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS), 2020)

AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D.
AU  - Lugonja, Nikoleta
AU  - Avdalović, Jelena
AU  - Miletić, Srđan B.
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - This study was aimed to determine the number of various groups of microorganisms in order todescribe the microbial community present in a sample of the Danube river sediment used inMicrobial Fuel Cells (MFC) processes.
PB  - Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS)
C3  - Electronic abstract book - FEMS online Conference on Microbiology
T1  - Analysis Of Microbial Community In Microbial Fuel Cell System
SP  - 413
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Joksimović, Kristina and Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D. and Lugonja, Nikoleta and Avdalović, Jelena and Miletić, Srđan B. and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2020",
abstract = "This study was aimed to determine the number of various groups of microorganisms in order todescribe the microbial community present in a sample of the Danube river sediment used inMicrobial Fuel Cells (MFC) processes.",
publisher = "Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS)",
journal = "Electronic abstract book - FEMS online Conference on Microbiology",
title = "Analysis Of Microbial Community In Microbial Fuel Cell System",
pages = "413",
url = ""
Joksimović, K., Žerađanin, A., Gojgić-Cvijović, G. D., Lugonja, N., Avdalović, J., Miletić, S. B.,& Beškoski, V.. (2020). Analysis Of Microbial Community In Microbial Fuel Cell System. in Electronic abstract book - FEMS online Conference on Microbiology
Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS)., 413.
Joksimović K, Žerađanin A, Gojgić-Cvijović GD, Lugonja N, Avdalović J, Miletić SB, Beškoski V. Analysis Of Microbial Community In Microbial Fuel Cell System. in Electronic abstract book - FEMS online Conference on Microbiology. 2020;:413. .
Joksimović, Kristina, Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D., Lugonja, Nikoleta, Avdalović, Jelena, Miletić, Srđan B., Beškoski, Vladimir, "Analysis Of Microbial Community In Microbial Fuel Cell System" in Electronic abstract book - FEMS online Conference on Microbiology (2020):413, .

Oxidized humic acids from the soil of heat power plant

Miletić, Srđan B.; Avdalović, Jelena; Milić, Jelena; Ilić, Mila; Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Joksimović, Kristina; Spasić, Snežana

(Serbia : Serbian Chemical Society, 2020)

AU  - Miletić, Srđan B.
AU  - Avdalović, Jelena
AU  - Milić, Jelena
AU  - Ilić, Mila
AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Spasić, Snežana
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Humic acids isolated from the soil of a heat power plant (HA-E) contaminated with oil were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). In comparison with a humic acids standard (HA-S), a lack of an intense broad band of the stretching vibrations of hydrogen-bonded hydroxyl groups (3600–3200 cm-1) is evident. The HA-E spectra have a peak at 1649 cm-1, which could belong to carbonyl groups. HA-E are heavily oxidized and among the isolated microorganisms, Achromobacter denitrificans may be responsible for such intensive oxidation of HA-E. To the phylogenetically diverse nitrate-reducing microorganisms that have the capacity to utilize reduced HA as electron donors in soils, A. denitrificans can be added.
AB  - Хуминске киселине, изоловане из земљишта контаминираног нафтом из топлане (HA-E) је анализирано уз помоћ инфрацрвеног спектрометра (FTIR). У поређењу са стандардом хуминских киселина (HA-S) уочљив је недостатак интензивног пика вибрација водоничне везе из хидоксилне групе (3600–3200 cm-1). HA-E има пик на 1649 cm-1 који вероватно припада карбонилној групи. HA-E су веома оксидоване, а претпоставља се да су микроорганизми Achromobacter denitrificans за ову интензивну оксидацију HA-E. Они су филогенетски различити нитрат-редукујући микроорганизми који имају капацитет да редукују хуминске киселине где се понашају као електрон донори у земљишту.
PB  - Serbia : Serbian Chemical Society
T2  - Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
T1  - Oxidized humic acids from the soil of heat power plant
T1  - Oksidovane huminske kiseline iz toplane
VL  - 85
IS  - 3
SP  - 421
EP  - 426
DO  - 10.2298/JSC190726099M
ER  - 
author = "Miletić, Srđan B. and Avdalović, Jelena and Milić, Jelena and Ilić, Mila and Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Joksimović, Kristina and Spasić, Snežana",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Humic acids isolated from the soil of a heat power plant (HA-E) contaminated with oil were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). In comparison with a humic acids standard (HA-S), a lack of an intense broad band of the stretching vibrations of hydrogen-bonded hydroxyl groups (3600–3200 cm-1) is evident. The HA-E spectra have a peak at 1649 cm-1, which could belong to carbonyl groups. HA-E are heavily oxidized and among the isolated microorganisms, Achromobacter denitrificans may be responsible for such intensive oxidation of HA-E. To the phylogenetically diverse nitrate-reducing microorganisms that have the capacity to utilize reduced HA as electron donors in soils, A. denitrificans can be added., Хуминске киселине, изоловане из земљишта контаминираног нафтом из топлане (HA-E) је анализирано уз помоћ инфрацрвеног спектрометра (FTIR). У поређењу са стандардом хуминских киселина (HA-S) уочљив је недостатак интензивног пика вибрација водоничне везе из хидоксилне групе (3600–3200 cm-1). HA-E има пик на 1649 cm-1 који вероватно припада карбонилној групи. HA-E су веома оксидоване, а претпоставља се да су микроорганизми Achromobacter denitrificans за ову интензивну оксидацију HA-E. Они су филогенетски различити нитрат-редукујући микроорганизми који имају капацитет да редукују хуминске киселине где се понашају као електрон донори у земљишту.",
publisher = "Serbia : Serbian Chemical Society",
journal = "Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society",
title = "Oxidized humic acids from the soil of heat power plant, Oksidovane huminske kiseline iz toplane",
volume = "85",
number = "3",
pages = "421-426",
doi = "10.2298/JSC190726099M"
Miletić, S. B., Avdalović, J., Milić, J., Ilić, M., Žerađanin, A., Joksimović, K.,& Spasić, S.. (2020). Oxidized humic acids from the soil of heat power plant. in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
Serbia : Serbian Chemical Society., 85(3), 421-426.
Miletić SB, Avdalović J, Milić J, Ilić M, Žerađanin A, Joksimović K, Spasić S. Oxidized humic acids from the soil of heat power plant. in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society. 2020;85(3):421-426.
doi:10.2298/JSC190726099M .
Miletić, Srđan B., Avdalović, Jelena, Milić, Jelena, Ilić, Mila, Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Joksimović, Kristina, Spasić, Snežana, "Oxidized humic acids from the soil of heat power plant" in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 85, no. 3 (2020):421-426, . .

Optimization of microbial fuel cell operation using Danube River sediment

Joksimović, Kristina; Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Ranđelović, Danijela; Avdalović, Jelena; Miletić, Srđan B.; Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D.; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Elsevier, 2020)

AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Ranđelović, Danijela
AU  - Avdalović, Jelena
AU  - Miletić, Srđan B.
AU  - Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D.
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - One of the main global focuses of mankind today is the required switch to new energy sources. Generating energy from waste is one of the potential solutions that can be achieved using microbial fuel cells (MFCs). Microorganisms, thanks to their ability to degrade organic substrates in contaminated environments, could contribute to solving our pollution challenge. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of sediment with its natural microbiota from the River Danube to optimize electricity generation using MFCs. 16S rRNA gene analysis identified the main bacterial genera in the river sediment, Clostridium, Bacillus and Tepidibacter, which were isolated and cultured in the laboratory. Addition of these cultured microorganisms to the MFC resulted in current density of 192 mA/m3, while the power density was about 8.80 mW/m3. Our study confirms proper selection and enrichment of the microbial community can optimize the amount of current obtainable from river sediment by MFCs.
PB  - Elsevier
T2  - Journal of Power Sources
T2  - Journal of Power SourcesJournal of Power Sources
T1  - Optimization of microbial fuel cell operation using Danube River sediment
VL  - 476
SP  - 228739
DO  - 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.228739
ER  - 
author = "Joksimović, Kristina and Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Ranđelović, Danijela and Avdalović, Jelena and Miletić, Srđan B. and Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D. and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2020",
abstract = "One of the main global focuses of mankind today is the required switch to new energy sources. Generating energy from waste is one of the potential solutions that can be achieved using microbial fuel cells (MFCs). Microorganisms, thanks to their ability to degrade organic substrates in contaminated environments, could contribute to solving our pollution challenge. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of sediment with its natural microbiota from the River Danube to optimize electricity generation using MFCs. 16S rRNA gene analysis identified the main bacterial genera in the river sediment, Clostridium, Bacillus and Tepidibacter, which were isolated and cultured in the laboratory. Addition of these cultured microorganisms to the MFC resulted in current density of 192 mA/m3, while the power density was about 8.80 mW/m3. Our study confirms proper selection and enrichment of the microbial community can optimize the amount of current obtainable from river sediment by MFCs.",
publisher = "Elsevier",
journal = "Journal of Power Sources, Journal of Power SourcesJournal of Power Sources",
title = "Optimization of microbial fuel cell operation using Danube River sediment",
volume = "476",
pages = "228739",
doi = "10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.228739"
Joksimović, K., Žerađanin, A., Ranđelović, D., Avdalović, J., Miletić, S. B., Gojgić-Cvijović, G. D.,& Beškoski, V.. (2020). Optimization of microbial fuel cell operation using Danube River sediment. in Journal of Power Sources
Elsevier., 476, 228739.
Joksimović K, Žerađanin A, Ranđelović D, Avdalović J, Miletić SB, Gojgić-Cvijović GD, Beškoski V. Optimization of microbial fuel cell operation using Danube River sediment. in Journal of Power Sources. 2020;476:228739.
doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.228739 .
Joksimović, Kristina, Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Ranđelović, Danijela, Avdalović, Jelena, Miletić, Srđan B., Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D., Beškoski, Vladimir, "Optimization of microbial fuel cell operation using Danube River sediment" in Journal of Power Sources, 476 (2020):228739, . .

Optimization of microbial fuel cell operation using Danube River sediment

Joksimović, Kristina; Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Ranđelović, Danijela; Avdalović, Jelena; Miletić, Srđan B.; Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D.; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Elsevier, 2020)

AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Ranđelović, Danijela
AU  - Avdalović, Jelena
AU  - Miletić, Srđan B.
AU  - Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D.
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - One of the main global focuses of mankind today is the required switch to new energy sources. Generating energy from waste is one of the potential solutions that can be achieved using microbial fuel cells (MFCs). Microorganisms, thanks to their ability to degrade organic substrates in contaminated environments, could contribute to solving our pollution challenge. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of sediment with its natural microbiota from the River Danube to optimize electricity generation using MFCs. 16S rRNA gene analysis identified the main bacterial genera in the river sediment, Clostridium, Bacillus and Tepidibacter, which were isolated and cultured in the laboratory. Addition of these cultured microorganisms to the MFC resulted in current density of 192 mA/m3, while the power density was about 8.80 mW/m3. Our study confirms proper selection and enrichment of the microbial community can optimize the amount of current obtainable from river sediment by MFCs.
PB  - Elsevier
T2  - Journal of Power Sources
T2  - Journal of Power SourcesJournal of Power Sources
T1  - Optimization of microbial fuel cell operation using Danube River sediment
VL  - 476
SP  - 228739
DO  - 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.228739
ER  - 
author = "Joksimović, Kristina and Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Ranđelović, Danijela and Avdalović, Jelena and Miletić, Srđan B. and Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D. and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2020",
abstract = "One of the main global focuses of mankind today is the required switch to new energy sources. Generating energy from waste is one of the potential solutions that can be achieved using microbial fuel cells (MFCs). Microorganisms, thanks to their ability to degrade organic substrates in contaminated environments, could contribute to solving our pollution challenge. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of sediment with its natural microbiota from the River Danube to optimize electricity generation using MFCs. 16S rRNA gene analysis identified the main bacterial genera in the river sediment, Clostridium, Bacillus and Tepidibacter, which were isolated and cultured in the laboratory. Addition of these cultured microorganisms to the MFC resulted in current density of 192 mA/m3, while the power density was about 8.80 mW/m3. Our study confirms proper selection and enrichment of the microbial community can optimize the amount of current obtainable from river sediment by MFCs.",
publisher = "Elsevier",
journal = "Journal of Power Sources, Journal of Power SourcesJournal of Power Sources",
title = "Optimization of microbial fuel cell operation using Danube River sediment",
volume = "476",
pages = "228739",
doi = "10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.228739"
Joksimović, K., Žerađanin, A., Ranđelović, D., Avdalović, J., Miletić, S. B., Gojgić-Cvijović, G. D.,& Beškoski, V.. (2020). Optimization of microbial fuel cell operation using Danube River sediment. in Journal of Power Sources
Elsevier., 476, 228739.
Joksimović K, Žerađanin A, Ranđelović D, Avdalović J, Miletić SB, Gojgić-Cvijović GD, Beškoski V. Optimization of microbial fuel cell operation using Danube River sediment. in Journal of Power Sources. 2020;476:228739.
doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.228739 .
Joksimović, Kristina, Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Ranđelović, Danijela, Avdalović, Jelena, Miletić, Srđan B., Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D., Beškoski, Vladimir, "Optimization of microbial fuel cell operation using Danube River sediment" in Journal of Power Sources, 476 (2020):228739, . .

Investigations of possibility for petroleum hydrocarbons removal from aqueous solution by waste biomass

Avdalović, Jelena; Lopičić, Zorica; Lugonja, Nikoleta; Joksimović, Kristina; Milić, Jelena; Beškoski, Vladimir; Miletić, Srđan B.

(Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo, 2019)

AU  - Avdalović, Jelena
AU  - Lopičić, Zorica
AU  - Lugonja, Nikoleta
AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Milić, Jelena
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
AU  - Miletić, Srđan B.
PY  - 2019
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Adsorption is one the best commonly used technique for treatment of petroleum contaminated water. The biosorption potential of waste biomass (peach shell, agro-industrial waste) as a low-cost biosorbent for petroleum hydrocarbon from aqueous solution was explored. Biosorption experiments were carried out using a shake-flask technique with a constant amount of (bio) sorbent of 1 g mixed with 100 ml of water contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons at concentrations of 4 mg/L, 12 mg/L, 18 mg/L, 24 mg/L, 30 mg/L, 40 mg/L and 80 mg/L. The obtained results show that waste biomass is efficient in the removal of petroleum pollutants from the water solution. Biosorption is a potentially alternative technique for wastewater treatment. Their major advantages are low cost, high efficiency, renewability.
AB  - Adsorpcija je jedna od najčešće korišćenih tehnika za tretiranje voda zagađenih naftom i njenim derivatima. U radu je ispitivana mogućnost primene otpadne biomase (koštice breskve, agroindustrijskog otpada), kao jeftinog biosorbenta, za uklanjanje nafnih zagađivača iz vodenog rastvora u stacionarnim uslovima. Biosorpcioni eksperimenti su obavljeni u erlenmajerima na na orbitalnom šejkeru u kojima je konstantna količina biosorbenta od 1 g mešana sa 100 ml vode kontaminirane naftnim ugljovodonicima u koncentacijama 4 mg/L, 12 mg/L, 18 mg/L, 24 mg/L, 30 mg/L, 40 mg/L and 80 mg/L. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je otpadna biomasa efikasna u uklanjanju naftnih polutanata iz vodenog rastvora. Biosorpcija je potencijalno alternativna tehnika za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda. Njene glavne prednosti su niska cena, visoka efikasnost i obnovljivost.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo
C3  - 56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Proceedings / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Knjiga radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019.
T1  - Investigations of possibility for petroleum hydrocarbons removal from aqueous solution by waste biomass
T1  - Ispitivanje upotrebe otpadne biomase za uklanjanje naftnih ugljovodonika iz vodenog rastvora
SP  - 98
EP  - 103
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Avdalović, Jelena and Lopičić, Zorica and Lugonja, Nikoleta and Joksimović, Kristina and Milić, Jelena and Beškoski, Vladimir and Miletić, Srđan B.",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Adsorption is one the best commonly used technique for treatment of petroleum contaminated water. The biosorption potential of waste biomass (peach shell, agro-industrial waste) as a low-cost biosorbent for petroleum hydrocarbon from aqueous solution was explored. Biosorption experiments were carried out using a shake-flask technique with a constant amount of (bio) sorbent of 1 g mixed with 100 ml of water contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons at concentrations of 4 mg/L, 12 mg/L, 18 mg/L, 24 mg/L, 30 mg/L, 40 mg/L and 80 mg/L. The obtained results show that waste biomass is efficient in the removal of petroleum pollutants from the water solution. Biosorption is a potentially alternative technique for wastewater treatment. Their major advantages are low cost, high efficiency, renewability., Adsorpcija je jedna od najčešće korišćenih tehnika za tretiranje voda zagađenih naftom i njenim derivatima. U radu je ispitivana mogućnost primene otpadne biomase (koštice breskve, agroindustrijskog otpada), kao jeftinog biosorbenta, za uklanjanje nafnih zagađivača iz vodenog rastvora u stacionarnim uslovima. Biosorpcioni eksperimenti su obavljeni u erlenmajerima na na orbitalnom šejkeru u kojima je konstantna količina biosorbenta od 1 g mešana sa 100 ml vode kontaminirane naftnim ugljovodonicima u koncentacijama 4 mg/L, 12 mg/L, 18 mg/L, 24 mg/L, 30 mg/L, 40 mg/L and 80 mg/L. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je otpadna biomasa efikasna u uklanjanju naftnih polutanata iz vodenog rastvora. Biosorpcija je potencijalno alternativna tehnika za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda. Njene glavne prednosti su niska cena, visoka efikasnost i obnovljivost.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo",
journal = "56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Proceedings / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Knjiga radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019.",
title = "Investigations of possibility for petroleum hydrocarbons removal from aqueous solution by waste biomass, Ispitivanje upotrebe otpadne biomase za uklanjanje naftnih ugljovodonika iz vodenog rastvora",
pages = "98-103",
url = ""
Avdalović, J., Lopičić, Z., Lugonja, N., Joksimović, K., Milić, J., Beškoski, V.,& Miletić, S. B.. (2019). Investigations of possibility for petroleum hydrocarbons removal from aqueous solution by waste biomass. in 56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Proceedings / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Knjiga radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019.
Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo., 98-103.
Avdalović J, Lopičić Z, Lugonja N, Joksimović K, Milić J, Beškoski V, Miletić SB. Investigations of possibility for petroleum hydrocarbons removal from aqueous solution by waste biomass. in 56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Proceedings / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Knjiga radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019.. 2019;:98-103. .
Avdalović, Jelena, Lopičić, Zorica, Lugonja, Nikoleta, Joksimović, Kristina, Milić, Jelena, Beškoski, Vladimir, Miletić, Srđan B., "Investigations of possibility for petroleum hydrocarbons removal from aqueous solution by waste biomass" in 56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Proceedings / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Knjiga radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019. (2019):98-103, .

Investigations of possibility for petroleum hydrocarbons removal from aqueous solution by waste biomass

Avdalović, Jelena; Lopičić, Zorica; Lugonja, Nikoleta; Joksimović, Kristina; Milić, Jelena; Beškoski, Vladimir; Miletić, Srđan B.

(Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo, 2019)

AU  - Avdalović, Jelena
AU  - Lopičić, Zorica
AU  - Lugonja, Nikoleta
AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Milić, Jelena
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
AU  - Miletić, Srđan B.
PY  - 2019
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Adsorption is one the best commonly used technique for treatment of petroleum contaminated water. The biosorption potential of waste biomass (peach shell, agro-industrial waste) as a low-cost biosorbent for petroleum hydrocarbon from aqueous solution was explored. Biosorption experiments were carried out using a shake-flask technique with a constant amount of (bio) sorbent of 1 g mixed with 100 ml of water contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons at concentrations of 4 mg/L, 12 mg/L, 18 mg/L, 24 mg/L, 30 mg/L, 40 mg/L and 80 mg/L. The obtained results show that waste biomass is efficient in the removal of petroleum pollutants from the water solution. Biosorption is a potentially alternative technique for wastewater treatment. Their major advantages are low cost, high efficiency, renewability.
AB  - Adsorpcija je jedna od najčešće korišćenih tehnika za tretiranje voda zagađenih naftom i njenim derivatima. U radu je ispitivana mogućnost primene otpadne biomase (koštice breskve, agroindustrijskog otpada), kao jeftinog biosorbenta, za uklanjanje nafnih zagađivača iz vodenog rastvora u stacionarnim uslovima. Biosorpcioni eksperimenti su obavljeni u erlenmajerima na na orbitalnom šejkeru u kojima je konstantna količina biosorbenta od 1 g mešana sa 100 ml vode kontaminirane naftnim ugljovodonicima u koncentacijama 4 mg/L, 12 mg/L, 18 mg/L, 24 mg/L, 30 mg/L, 40 mg/L and 80 mg/L. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je otpadna biomasa efikasna u uklanjanju naftnih polutanata iz vodenog rastvora. Biosorpcija je potencijalno alternativna tehnika za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda. Njene glavne prednosti su niska cena, visoka efikasnost i obnovljivost.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo
C3  - 56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Book of Abstracts / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Kratki izvodi radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019.
T1  - Investigations of possibility for petroleum hydrocarbons removal from aqueous solution by waste biomass
T1  - Ispitivanje upotrebe otpadne biomase za uklanjanje naftnih ugljovodonika iz vodenog rastvora
SP  - 63
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Avdalović, Jelena and Lopičić, Zorica and Lugonja, Nikoleta and Joksimović, Kristina and Milić, Jelena and Beškoski, Vladimir and Miletić, Srđan B.",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Adsorption is one the best commonly used technique for treatment of petroleum contaminated water. The biosorption potential of waste biomass (peach shell, agro-industrial waste) as a low-cost biosorbent for petroleum hydrocarbon from aqueous solution was explored. Biosorption experiments were carried out using a shake-flask technique with a constant amount of (bio) sorbent of 1 g mixed with 100 ml of water contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons at concentrations of 4 mg/L, 12 mg/L, 18 mg/L, 24 mg/L, 30 mg/L, 40 mg/L and 80 mg/L. The obtained results show that waste biomass is efficient in the removal of petroleum pollutants from the water solution. Biosorption is a potentially alternative technique for wastewater treatment. Their major advantages are low cost, high efficiency, renewability., Adsorpcija je jedna od najčešće korišćenih tehnika za tretiranje voda zagađenih naftom i njenim derivatima. U radu je ispitivana mogućnost primene otpadne biomase (koštice breskve, agroindustrijskog otpada), kao jeftinog biosorbenta, za uklanjanje nafnih zagađivača iz vodenog rastvora u stacionarnim uslovima. Biosorpcioni eksperimenti su obavljeni u erlenmajerima na na orbitalnom šejkeru u kojima je konstantna količina biosorbenta od 1 g mešana sa 100 ml vode kontaminirane naftnim ugljovodonicima u koncentacijama 4 mg/L, 12 mg/L, 18 mg/L, 24 mg/L, 30 mg/L, 40 mg/L and 80 mg/L. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je otpadna biomasa efikasna u uklanjanju naftnih polutanata iz vodenog rastvora. Biosorpcija je potencijalno alternativna tehnika za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda. Njene glavne prednosti su niska cena, visoka efikasnost i obnovljivost.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo",
journal = "56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Book of Abstracts / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Kratki izvodi radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019.",
title = "Investigations of possibility for petroleum hydrocarbons removal from aqueous solution by waste biomass, Ispitivanje upotrebe otpadne biomase za uklanjanje naftnih ugljovodonika iz vodenog rastvora",
pages = "63",
url = ""
Avdalović, J., Lopičić, Z., Lugonja, N., Joksimović, K., Milić, J., Beškoski, V.,& Miletić, S. B.. (2019). Investigations of possibility for petroleum hydrocarbons removal from aqueous solution by waste biomass. in 56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Book of Abstracts / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Kratki izvodi radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019.
Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo., 63.
Avdalović J, Lopičić Z, Lugonja N, Joksimović K, Milić J, Beškoski V, Miletić SB. Investigations of possibility for petroleum hydrocarbons removal from aqueous solution by waste biomass. in 56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Book of Abstracts / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Kratki izvodi radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019.. 2019;:63. .
Avdalović, Jelena, Lopičić, Zorica, Lugonja, Nikoleta, Joksimović, Kristina, Milić, Jelena, Beškoski, Vladimir, Miletić, Srđan B., "Investigations of possibility for petroleum hydrocarbons removal from aqueous solution by waste biomass" in 56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Book of Abstracts / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Kratki izvodi radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019. (2019):63, .

In situ bioremediation of sediment contaminated with mineral oil

Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Lugonja, Nikoleta; Joksimović, Kristina; Avdalović, Jelena; Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D.; Beškoski, Vladimir; Vrvić, Miroslav

(Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo, 2019)

AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Lugonja, Nikoleta
AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Avdalović, Jelena
AU  - Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D.
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
AU  - Vrvić, Miroslav
PY  - 2019
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Zagađenje vode, zemljišta i sedimenta naftom i njenim derivatima, može se javiti tokom eksploatacije, transporta i skladištenja i predstavlja rizik za životnu sredinu i ljudsko zdravlje. Bioremedijacija je zelena tehnologija kojom se uklanja zagađenje iz kontaminirane životne sredine upotrebom mikroorganizama. U ovom radu su praćene promene u sadržaju mineralnih ulja i aktivnost mikroorganizama koji razgrađuju ugljovodonike tokom procesa bioremedijacije koji je trajao 210 dana. Rezultati ukazuju da mikroorganizmi koji razgrađuju ugljovodonike sa visokom efikasnošću degraduju mineralna ulja. Na osnovu količine mineralnog ulja (smanjena za 63,82 %), stepena degradacije i udela mikroorganizama naftnih degradera u ukupnom broju mikroorganizama, može se zaključiti da su faza adaptacije konzorcijuma i faza intenzivne razgradnje bile u periodu od 0. do 90. dana, praćene dalje sporijom fazom razgradnje u periodu od 90. do 210. dana.
AB  - Pollution of water, soil and sediment with petroleum and its products may occur during the exploitation, transportation and storage and it poses a risk to the environment and human health. Bioremediation is a green technology that can remove pollution from contaminated environment using microorganisms. In this paper changes in the content of mineral oil and the activity of hydrocarbon degraders during remediation process that lasted 210 days were monitored. The results indicate that hydrocarbon degrading microorganisms with high efficiency have biodegraded mineral oil. Based on the amount of mineral oil (decreased for 63.82 %), degradation rates and level of hydrocarbon degraders in the total number of microorganisms, we note that the stages of adaptation of the consortium and intensive degradation phases were in the range of 0-90 days, followed by a slower decomposition phase in the period of 90-210 days.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo
C3  - 56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Proceedings / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Knjiga radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019.
T1  - In situ bioremediation of sediment contaminated with mineral oil
T1  - In situ bioremedijacija sedimenta kontaminiranog mineralnim uljem
SP  - 120
EP  - 124
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Lugonja, Nikoleta and Joksimović, Kristina and Avdalović, Jelena and Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D. and Beškoski, Vladimir and Vrvić, Miroslav",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Zagađenje vode, zemljišta i sedimenta naftom i njenim derivatima, može se javiti tokom eksploatacije, transporta i skladištenja i predstavlja rizik za životnu sredinu i ljudsko zdravlje. Bioremedijacija je zelena tehnologija kojom se uklanja zagađenje iz kontaminirane životne sredine upotrebom mikroorganizama. U ovom radu su praćene promene u sadržaju mineralnih ulja i aktivnost mikroorganizama koji razgrađuju ugljovodonike tokom procesa bioremedijacije koji je trajao 210 dana. Rezultati ukazuju da mikroorganizmi koji razgrađuju ugljovodonike sa visokom efikasnošću degraduju mineralna ulja. Na osnovu količine mineralnog ulja (smanjena za 63,82 %), stepena degradacije i udela mikroorganizama naftnih degradera u ukupnom broju mikroorganizama, može se zaključiti da su faza adaptacije konzorcijuma i faza intenzivne razgradnje bile u periodu od 0. do 90. dana, praćene dalje sporijom fazom razgradnje u periodu od 90. do 210. dana., Pollution of water, soil and sediment with petroleum and its products may occur during the exploitation, transportation and storage and it poses a risk to the environment and human health. Bioremediation is a green technology that can remove pollution from contaminated environment using microorganisms. In this paper changes in the content of mineral oil and the activity of hydrocarbon degraders during remediation process that lasted 210 days were monitored. The results indicate that hydrocarbon degrading microorganisms with high efficiency have biodegraded mineral oil. Based on the amount of mineral oil (decreased for 63.82 %), degradation rates and level of hydrocarbon degraders in the total number of microorganisms, we note that the stages of adaptation of the consortium and intensive degradation phases were in the range of 0-90 days, followed by a slower decomposition phase in the period of 90-210 days.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo",
journal = "56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Proceedings / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Knjiga radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019.",
title = "In situ bioremediation of sediment contaminated with mineral oil, In situ bioremedijacija sedimenta kontaminiranog mineralnim uljem",
pages = "120-124",
url = ""
Žerađanin, A., Lugonja, N., Joksimović, K., Avdalović, J., Gojgić-Cvijović, G. D., Beškoski, V.,& Vrvić, M.. (2019). In situ bioremediation of sediment contaminated with mineral oil. in 56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Proceedings / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Knjiga radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019.
Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo., 120-124.
Žerađanin A, Lugonja N, Joksimović K, Avdalović J, Gojgić-Cvijović GD, Beškoski V, Vrvić M. In situ bioremediation of sediment contaminated with mineral oil. in 56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Proceedings / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Knjiga radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019.. 2019;:120-124. .
Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Lugonja, Nikoleta, Joksimović, Kristina, Avdalović, Jelena, Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D., Beškoski, Vladimir, Vrvić, Miroslav, "In situ bioremediation of sediment contaminated with mineral oil" in 56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Proceedings / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Knjiga radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019. (2019):120-124, .

In situ bioremediation of sediment contaminated with mineral oil

Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Lugonja, Nikoleta; Joksimović, Kristina; Avdalović, Jelena; Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D.; Beškoski, Vladimir; Vrvić, Miroslav

(Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo, 2019)

AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Lugonja, Nikoleta
AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Avdalović, Jelena
AU  - Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D.
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
AU  - Vrvić, Miroslav
PY  - 2019
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Zagađenje vode, zemljišta i sedimenta naftom i njenim derivatima, može se javiti tokom eksploatacije, transporta i skladištenja i predstavlja rizik za životnu sredinu i ljudsko zdravlje. Bioremedijacija je zelena tehnologija kojom se uklanja zagađenje iz kontaminirane životne sredine upotrebom mikroorganizama. U ovom radu su praćene promene u sadržaju mineralnih ulja i aktivnost mikroorganizama koji razgrađuju ugljovodonike tokom procesa bioremedijacije koji je trajao 210 dana. Rezultati ukazuju da mikroorganizmi koji razgrađuju ugljovodonike sa visokom efikasnošću degraduju mineralna ulja. Na osnovu količine mineralnog ulja (smanjena za 63,82 %), stepena degradacije i udela mikroorganizama naftnih degradera u ukupnom broju mikroorganizama, može se zaključiti da su faza adaptacije konzorcijuma i faza intenzivne razgradnje bile u periodu od 0. do 90. dana, praćene dalje sporijom fazom razgradnje u periodu od 90. do 210. dana.
AB  - Pollution of water, soil and sediment with petroleum and its products may occur during the exploitation, transportation and storage and it poses a risk to the environment and human health. Bioremediation is a green technology that can remove pollution from contaminated environment using microorganisms. In this paper changes in the content of mineral oil and the activity of hydrocarbon degraders during remediation process that lasted 210 days were monitored. The results indicate that hydrocarbon degrading microorganisms with high efficiency have biodegraded mineral oil. Based on the amount of mineral oil (decreased for 63.82 %), degradation rates and level of hydrocarbon degraders in the total number of microorganisms, we note that the stages of adaptation of the consortium and intensive degradation phases were in the range of 0-90 days, followed by a slower decomposition phase in the period of 90-210 days.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo
C3  - 56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Book of Abstracts / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Kratki izvodi radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019.
T1  - In situ bioremediation of sediment contaminated with mineral oil
T1  - In situ bioremedijacija sedimenta kontaminiranog mineralnim uljem
SP  - 70
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Lugonja, Nikoleta and Joksimović, Kristina and Avdalović, Jelena and Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D. and Beškoski, Vladimir and Vrvić, Miroslav",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Zagađenje vode, zemljišta i sedimenta naftom i njenim derivatima, može se javiti tokom eksploatacije, transporta i skladištenja i predstavlja rizik za životnu sredinu i ljudsko zdravlje. Bioremedijacija je zelena tehnologija kojom se uklanja zagađenje iz kontaminirane životne sredine upotrebom mikroorganizama. U ovom radu su praćene promene u sadržaju mineralnih ulja i aktivnost mikroorganizama koji razgrađuju ugljovodonike tokom procesa bioremedijacije koji je trajao 210 dana. Rezultati ukazuju da mikroorganizmi koji razgrađuju ugljovodonike sa visokom efikasnošću degraduju mineralna ulja. Na osnovu količine mineralnog ulja (smanjena za 63,82 %), stepena degradacije i udela mikroorganizama naftnih degradera u ukupnom broju mikroorganizama, može se zaključiti da su faza adaptacije konzorcijuma i faza intenzivne razgradnje bile u periodu od 0. do 90. dana, praćene dalje sporijom fazom razgradnje u periodu od 90. do 210. dana., Pollution of water, soil and sediment with petroleum and its products may occur during the exploitation, transportation and storage and it poses a risk to the environment and human health. Bioremediation is a green technology that can remove pollution from contaminated environment using microorganisms. In this paper changes in the content of mineral oil and the activity of hydrocarbon degraders during remediation process that lasted 210 days were monitored. The results indicate that hydrocarbon degrading microorganisms with high efficiency have biodegraded mineral oil. Based on the amount of mineral oil (decreased for 63.82 %), degradation rates and level of hydrocarbon degraders in the total number of microorganisms, we note that the stages of adaptation of the consortium and intensive degradation phases were in the range of 0-90 days, followed by a slower decomposition phase in the period of 90-210 days.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo",
journal = "56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Book of Abstracts / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Kratki izvodi radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019.",
title = "In situ bioremediation of sediment contaminated with mineral oil, In situ bioremedijacija sedimenta kontaminiranog mineralnim uljem",
pages = "70",
url = ""
Žerađanin, A., Lugonja, N., Joksimović, K., Avdalović, J., Gojgić-Cvijović, G. D., Beškoski, V.,& Vrvić, M.. (2019). In situ bioremediation of sediment contaminated with mineral oil. in 56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Book of Abstracts / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Kratki izvodi radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019.
Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo., 70.
Žerađanin A, Lugonja N, Joksimović K, Avdalović J, Gojgić-Cvijović GD, Beškoski V, Vrvić M. In situ bioremediation of sediment contaminated with mineral oil. in 56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Book of Abstracts / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Kratki izvodi radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019.. 2019;:70. .
Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Lugonja, Nikoleta, Joksimović, Kristina, Avdalović, Jelena, Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D., Beškoski, Vladimir, Vrvić, Miroslav, "In situ bioremediation of sediment contaminated with mineral oil" in 56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Book of Abstracts / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Kratki izvodi radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019. (2019):70, .

Testing microbiological and chemical parametars of the sediment of microbial fuel cell

Joksimović, Kristina; Nikolov, Ana; Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Lugonja, Nikoleta; Randjelović, Danijela; Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D.; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo, 2019)

AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Nikolov, Ana
AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Lugonja, Nikoleta
AU  - Randjelović, Danijela
AU  - Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D.
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2019
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) represent new potential energy sources through which electricity is generated, and among numerous advantages is that the emission of harmful gases is missing. MFC is a type of biological fuel cell, a system that converts chemical energy into electrical power by microorganisms. These systems can be constructed in many ways so that there are one-chamber, two-chamber and complex MFCs. MFCs are good alternative sources of energy offering possibility of application that can be found in the biosensor industry, hydrogen or electricity production systems and wastewater treatment plants. In this paper, characterization of the sediment used in a single chamber MFC is presented. The sediment used to form the microbial fuel cell is characterized by microbiological, chemical and analytical parameters.
AB  - Mikrobne gorivne ćelije (Microbial fuel cell-MFC) predstavljaju nove potencijalne izvore energije, preko kojih se generiše električna energija, a među brojnim prednostima je i ta što izostaje emisija štetnih gasova. MFC su vrsta bioloških gorivnih ćelija, sistema koji konvertuju hemijsku energiju u električnu pomoću mikroorganizama. Postoji više načina konstrukcije i među njima se nalaze jednokomorne, dvokomorne i složene MFC. Takođe, mikroorganizmi i supstrati koji se koriste u MFC, koje ti mikroorganizmi obrađuju u hemijskim procesima, mogu da budu različitog porekla i da imaju različite karakteristike. MFC su dobri alternativni izvori energije koji svoju potencijalnu primenu nalaze u industriji biosenzora, sistemima za proizvodnju vodonika ili električne energije i postrojenjima za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda. U ovom radu dat je opis sedimenta korišćenog u sistemu jednokomorne MFC, okarakterisan pomoću mikrobioloških, hemijskih i analitičkih parametara.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo
C3  - 56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Proceedings / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Knjiga radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019.
T1  - Testing microbiological and chemical parametars of the sediment of microbial fuel cell
T1  - Mikrobna gorivna ćelija – hemijska i mikrobiološka karakterizacija sedimenta
SP  - 109
EP  - 113
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Joksimović, Kristina and Nikolov, Ana and Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Lugonja, Nikoleta and Randjelović, Danijela and Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D. and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) represent new potential energy sources through which electricity is generated, and among numerous advantages is that the emission of harmful gases is missing. MFC is a type of biological fuel cell, a system that converts chemical energy into electrical power by microorganisms. These systems can be constructed in many ways so that there are one-chamber, two-chamber and complex MFCs. MFCs are good alternative sources of energy offering possibility of application that can be found in the biosensor industry, hydrogen or electricity production systems and wastewater treatment plants. In this paper, characterization of the sediment used in a single chamber MFC is presented. The sediment used to form the microbial fuel cell is characterized by microbiological, chemical and analytical parameters., Mikrobne gorivne ćelije (Microbial fuel cell-MFC) predstavljaju nove potencijalne izvore energije, preko kojih se generiše električna energija, a među brojnim prednostima je i ta što izostaje emisija štetnih gasova. MFC su vrsta bioloških gorivnih ćelija, sistema koji konvertuju hemijsku energiju u električnu pomoću mikroorganizama. Postoji više načina konstrukcije i među njima se nalaze jednokomorne, dvokomorne i složene MFC. Takođe, mikroorganizmi i supstrati koji se koriste u MFC, koje ti mikroorganizmi obrađuju u hemijskim procesima, mogu da budu različitog porekla i da imaju različite karakteristike. MFC su dobri alternativni izvori energije koji svoju potencijalnu primenu nalaze u industriji biosenzora, sistemima za proizvodnju vodonika ili električne energije i postrojenjima za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda. U ovom radu dat je opis sedimenta korišćenog u sistemu jednokomorne MFC, okarakterisan pomoću mikrobioloških, hemijskih i analitičkih parametara.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo",
journal = "56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Proceedings / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Knjiga radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019.",
title = "Testing microbiological and chemical parametars of the sediment of microbial fuel cell, Mikrobna gorivna ćelija – hemijska i mikrobiološka karakterizacija sedimenta",
pages = "109-113",
url = ""
Joksimović, K., Nikolov, A., Žerađanin, A., Lugonja, N., Randjelović, D., Gojgić-Cvijović, G. D.,& Beškoski, V.. (2019). Testing microbiological and chemical parametars of the sediment of microbial fuel cell. in 56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Proceedings / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Knjiga radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019.
Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo., 109-113.
Joksimović K, Nikolov A, Žerađanin A, Lugonja N, Randjelović D, Gojgić-Cvijović GD, Beškoski V. Testing microbiological and chemical parametars of the sediment of microbial fuel cell. in 56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Proceedings / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Knjiga radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019.. 2019;:109-113. .
Joksimović, Kristina, Nikolov, Ana, Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Lugonja, Nikoleta, Randjelović, Danijela, Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D., Beškoski, Vladimir, "Testing microbiological and chemical parametars of the sediment of microbial fuel cell" in 56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Proceedings / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Knjiga radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019. (2019):109-113, .

Testing microbiological and chemical parametars of the sediment of microbial fuel cell

Joksimović, Kristina; Nikolov, Ana; Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Lugonja, Nikoleta; Randjelović, Danijela; Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D.; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo, 2019)

AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Nikolov, Ana
AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Lugonja, Nikoleta
AU  - Randjelović, Danijela
AU  - Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D.
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2019
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) represent new potential energy sources through which electricity is generated, and among numerous advantages is that the emission of harmful gases is missing. MFC is a type of biological fuel cell, a system that converts chemical energy into electrical power by microorganisms. These systems can be constructed in many ways so that there are one-chamber, two-chamber and complex MFCs. MFCs are good alternative sources of energy offering possibility of application that can be found in the biosensor industry, hydrogen or electricity production systems and wastewater treatment plants. In this paper, characterization of the sediment used in a single chamber MFC is presented. The sediment used to form the microbial fuel cell is characterized by microbiological, chemical and analytical parameters.
AB  - Mikrobne gorivne ćelije (Microbial fuel cell-MFC) predstavljaju nove potencijalne izvore energije, preko kojih se generiše električna energija, a među brojnim prednostima je i ta što izostaje emisija štetnih gasova. MFC su vrsta bioloških gorivnih ćelija, sistema koji konvertuju hemijsku energiju u električnu pomoću mikroorganizama. Postoji više načina konstrukcije i među njima se nalaze jednokomorne, dvokomorne i složene MFC. Takođe, mikroorganizmi i supstrati koji se koriste u MFC, koje ti mikroorganizmi obrađuju u hemijskim procesima, mogu da budu različitog porekla i da imaju različite karakteristike. MFC su dobri alternativni izvori energije koji svoju potencijalnu primenu nalaze u industriji biosenzora, sistemima za proizvodnju vodonika ili električne energije i postrojenjima za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda. U ovom radu dat je opis sedimenta korišćenog u sistemu jednokomorne MFC, okarakterisan pomoću mikrobioloških, hemijskih i analitičkih parametara.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo
C3  - 56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Book of Abstracts / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Kratki izvodi radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019.
T1  - Testing microbiological and chemical parametars of the sediment of microbial fuel cell
T1  - Mikrobna gorivna ćelija – hemijska i mikrobiološka karakterizacija sedimenta
SP  - 66
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Joksimović, Kristina and Nikolov, Ana and Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Lugonja, Nikoleta and Randjelović, Danijela and Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D. and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) represent new potential energy sources through which electricity is generated, and among numerous advantages is that the emission of harmful gases is missing. MFC is a type of biological fuel cell, a system that converts chemical energy into electrical power by microorganisms. These systems can be constructed in many ways so that there are one-chamber, two-chamber and complex MFCs. MFCs are good alternative sources of energy offering possibility of application that can be found in the biosensor industry, hydrogen or electricity production systems and wastewater treatment plants. In this paper, characterization of the sediment used in a single chamber MFC is presented. The sediment used to form the microbial fuel cell is characterized by microbiological, chemical and analytical parameters., Mikrobne gorivne ćelije (Microbial fuel cell-MFC) predstavljaju nove potencijalne izvore energije, preko kojih se generiše električna energija, a među brojnim prednostima je i ta što izostaje emisija štetnih gasova. MFC su vrsta bioloških gorivnih ćelija, sistema koji konvertuju hemijsku energiju u električnu pomoću mikroorganizama. Postoji više načina konstrukcije i među njima se nalaze jednokomorne, dvokomorne i složene MFC. Takođe, mikroorganizmi i supstrati koji se koriste u MFC, koje ti mikroorganizmi obrađuju u hemijskim procesima, mogu da budu različitog porekla i da imaju različite karakteristike. MFC su dobri alternativni izvori energije koji svoju potencijalnu primenu nalaze u industriji biosenzora, sistemima za proizvodnju vodonika ili električne energije i postrojenjima za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda. U ovom radu dat je opis sedimenta korišćenog u sistemu jednokomorne MFC, okarakterisan pomoću mikrobioloških, hemijskih i analitičkih parametara.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo",
journal = "56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Book of Abstracts / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Kratki izvodi radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019.",
title = "Testing microbiological and chemical parametars of the sediment of microbial fuel cell, Mikrobna gorivna ćelija – hemijska i mikrobiološka karakterizacija sedimenta",
pages = "66",
url = ""
Joksimović, K., Nikolov, A., Žerađanin, A., Lugonja, N., Randjelović, D., Gojgić-Cvijović, G. D.,& Beškoski, V.. (2019). Testing microbiological and chemical parametars of the sediment of microbial fuel cell. in 56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Book of Abstracts / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Kratki izvodi radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019.
Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo., 66.
Joksimović K, Nikolov A, Žerađanin A, Lugonja N, Randjelović D, Gojgić-Cvijović GD, Beškoski V. Testing microbiological and chemical parametars of the sediment of microbial fuel cell. in 56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Book of Abstracts / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Kratki izvodi radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019.. 2019;:66. .
Joksimović, Kristina, Nikolov, Ana, Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Lugonja, Nikoleta, Randjelović, Danijela, Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D., Beškoski, Vladimir, "Testing microbiological and chemical parametars of the sediment of microbial fuel cell" in 56th Meeting of the Serbian chemical Society - Book of Abstracts / 56. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva - Kratki izvodi radova, Niš 7-8.9. 2019. (2019):66, .

Electrical Characterization of Microbial Fuel Cells-Method and Preliminary Results

Ranđelović, Danijela; Jakšić, O. M.; Popović, B.; Joksimović, Kristina; Miletić, S.; Poljak, P.; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019)

AU  - Ranđelović, Danijela
AU  - Jakšić, O. M.
AU  - Popović, B.
AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Miletić, S.
AU  - Poljak, P.
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Microbial fuel cells (MFC) present bioelectrochemical systems that allow generation of electricity during anaerobic respiration of selected bacterial species. They have very promising applications in wastewater purification systems, as biosensors or as alternative power source. This work is a result of joint multidisciplinary research and presents preliminary experimental results obtained by electrical characterization of a single-chamber MFC. The goal of research was to study activity of MFC and estimate its internal resistance.
PB  - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
C3  - 2019 IEEE 31st International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL 2019 - Proceedings
T1  - Electrical Characterization of Microbial Fuel Cells-Method and Preliminary Results
SP  - 321
EP  - 324
DO  - 10.1109/MIEL.2019.8889650
ER  - 
author = "Ranđelović, Danijela and Jakšić, O. M. and Popović, B. and Joksimović, Kristina and Miletić, S. and Poljak, P. and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Microbial fuel cells (MFC) present bioelectrochemical systems that allow generation of electricity during anaerobic respiration of selected bacterial species. They have very promising applications in wastewater purification systems, as biosensors or as alternative power source. This work is a result of joint multidisciplinary research and presents preliminary experimental results obtained by electrical characterization of a single-chamber MFC. The goal of research was to study activity of MFC and estimate its internal resistance.",
publisher = "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.",
journal = "2019 IEEE 31st International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL 2019 - Proceedings",
title = "Electrical Characterization of Microbial Fuel Cells-Method and Preliminary Results",
pages = "321-324",
doi = "10.1109/MIEL.2019.8889650"
Ranđelović, D., Jakšić, O. M., Popović, B., Joksimović, K., Miletić, S., Poljak, P.,& Beškoski, V.. (2019). Electrical Characterization of Microbial Fuel Cells-Method and Preliminary Results. in 2019 IEEE 31st International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL 2019 - Proceedings
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.., 321-324.
Ranđelović D, Jakšić OM, Popović B, Joksimović K, Miletić S, Poljak P, Beškoski V. Electrical Characterization of Microbial Fuel Cells-Method and Preliminary Results. in 2019 IEEE 31st International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL 2019 - Proceedings. 2019;:321-324.
doi:10.1109/MIEL.2019.8889650 .
Ranđelović, Danijela, Jakšić, O. M., Popović, B., Joksimović, Kristina, Miletić, S., Poljak, P., Beškoski, Vladimir, "Electrical Characterization of Microbial Fuel Cells-Method and Preliminary Results" in 2019 IEEE 31st International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL 2019 - Proceedings (2019):321-324, . .

Bacillus sp. Isolated from Japanese food Natto

Joksimović, Kristina; Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Avdalović, Jelena; Miletić, Srđan B.; Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D.; Beškoski, Vladimir


AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Avdalović, Jelena
AU  - Miletić, Srđan B.
AU  - Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D.
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Poster presented at Serbian Biochemical Society Ninth Conference with international participation.
T1  - Bacillus sp. Isolated from Japanese food Natto
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Joksimović, Kristina and Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Avdalović, Jelena and Miletić, Srđan B. and Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D. and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Poster presented at Serbian Biochemical Society Ninth Conference with international participation.",
title = "Bacillus sp. Isolated from Japanese food Natto",
url = ""
Joksimović, K., Žerađanin, A., Avdalović, J., Miletić, S. B., Gojgić-Cvijović, G. D.,& Beškoski, V.. (2019). Bacillus sp. Isolated from Japanese food Natto. .
Joksimović K, Žerađanin A, Avdalović J, Miletić SB, Gojgić-Cvijović GD, Beškoski V. Bacillus sp. Isolated from Japanese food Natto. 2019;. .
Joksimović, Kristina, Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Avdalović, Jelena, Miletić, Srđan B., Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D., Beškoski, Vladimir, "Bacillus sp. Isolated from Japanese food Natto" (2019), .

Bacillus sp. Isolated from Japanese food Natto

Joksimović, Kristina; Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Avdalović, Jelena; Miletić, Srđan B.; Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D.; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Belgrade : Faculty of Chemistry, 2019)

AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Avdalović, Jelena
AU  - Miletić, Srđan B.
AU  - Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D.
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Nattō is a traditional Japanese dish made from fermented soybeans and is usually combined with soy sauce. It is very rich in vitamins, amino acids, proteins, sugars, fats, minerals and dietary fibres, and polypeptides consisting of 275 amino acid residues with anticoagulant, fibrinolytic, blood pressure lowering effects and antioxidant activity. Bacillus subtilis natto belongs to the Bacillus subtilis species and it is the basis for the production of traditional Japanese food.
PB  - Belgrade : Faculty of Chemistry
PB  - Belgrade : Serbian Biochemical Society
C3  - Proceedings of Serbian Biochemical Society Ninth Conference with international participation, 14-16. Novembar 2019, Belgrade
T1  - Bacillus sp. Isolated from Japanese food Natto
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Joksimović, Kristina and Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Avdalović, Jelena and Miletić, Srđan B. and Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D. and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Nattō is a traditional Japanese dish made from fermented soybeans and is usually combined with soy sauce. It is very rich in vitamins, amino acids, proteins, sugars, fats, minerals and dietary fibres, and polypeptides consisting of 275 amino acid residues with anticoagulant, fibrinolytic, blood pressure lowering effects and antioxidant activity. Bacillus subtilis natto belongs to the Bacillus subtilis species and it is the basis for the production of traditional Japanese food.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Faculty of Chemistry, Belgrade : Serbian Biochemical Society",
journal = "Proceedings of Serbian Biochemical Society Ninth Conference with international participation, 14-16. Novembar 2019, Belgrade",
title = "Bacillus sp. Isolated from Japanese food Natto",
url = ""
Joksimović, K., Žerađanin, A., Avdalović, J., Miletić, S. B., Gojgić-Cvijović, G. D.,& Beškoski, V.. (2019). Bacillus sp. Isolated from Japanese food Natto. in Proceedings of Serbian Biochemical Society Ninth Conference with international participation, 14-16. Novembar 2019, Belgrade
Belgrade : Faculty of Chemistry..
Joksimović K, Žerađanin A, Avdalović J, Miletić SB, Gojgić-Cvijović GD, Beškoski V. Bacillus sp. Isolated from Japanese food Natto. in Proceedings of Serbian Biochemical Society Ninth Conference with international participation, 14-16. Novembar 2019, Belgrade. 2019;. .
Joksimović, Kristina, Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Avdalović, Jelena, Miletić, Srđan B., Gojgić-Cvijović, Gordana D., Beškoski, Vladimir, "Bacillus sp. Isolated from Japanese food Natto" in Proceedings of Serbian Biochemical Society Ninth Conference with international participation, 14-16. Novembar 2019, Belgrade (2019), .

Analytical aspects of a single-chamber system of microbial fuel cells (MFC)

Joksimović, Kristina; Slomo, Katarina; Avdalović, Jelena; Žerađanin, Aleksandra; Miletić, Srđan B.; Randjelović, Danijela; Beškoski, Vladimir

(Leskovac: Faculty of Technology, 2019)

AU  - Joksimović, Kristina
AU  - Slomo, Katarina
AU  - Avdalović, Jelena
AU  - Žerađanin, Aleksandra
AU  - Miletić, Srđan B.
AU  - Randjelović, Danijela
AU  - Beškoski, Vladimir
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Description of a single chamber microbial fuel cells (MFC), its construction and operation, processing and analysis of experimental measurements in laboratory conditions is given
PB  - Leskovac: Faculty of Technology
C3  - 13 Symposium with international participation ''Novel Technologies and Economic Development'', Book of abstracts, Leskovac 18.-19. october, 2019.
T1  - Analytical aspects of a single-chamber system of microbial fuel cells (MFC)
SP  - 57
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Joksimović, Kristina and Slomo, Katarina and Avdalović, Jelena and Žerađanin, Aleksandra and Miletić, Srđan B. and Randjelović, Danijela and Beškoski, Vladimir",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Description of a single chamber microbial fuel cells (MFC), its construction and operation, processing and analysis of experimental measurements in laboratory conditions is given",
publisher = "Leskovac: Faculty of Technology",
journal = "13 Symposium with international participation ''Novel Technologies and Economic Development'', Book of abstracts, Leskovac 18.-19. october, 2019.",
title = "Analytical aspects of a single-chamber system of microbial fuel cells (MFC)",
pages = "57",
url = ""
Joksimović, K., Slomo, K., Avdalović, J., Žerađanin, A., Miletić, S. B., Randjelović, D.,& Beškoski, V.. (2019). Analytical aspects of a single-chamber system of microbial fuel cells (MFC). in 13 Symposium with international participation ''Novel Technologies and Economic Development'', Book of abstracts, Leskovac 18.-19. october, 2019.
Leskovac: Faculty of Technology., 57.
Joksimović K, Slomo K, Avdalović J, Žerađanin A, Miletić SB, Randjelović D, Beškoski V. Analytical aspects of a single-chamber system of microbial fuel cells (MFC). in 13 Symposium with international participation ''Novel Technologies and Economic Development'', Book of abstracts, Leskovac 18.-19. october, 2019.. 2019;:57. .
Joksimović, Kristina, Slomo, Katarina, Avdalović, Jelena, Žerađanin, Aleksandra, Miletić, Srđan B., Randjelović, Danijela, Beškoski, Vladimir, "Analytical aspects of a single-chamber system of microbial fuel cells (MFC)" in 13 Symposium with international participation ''Novel Technologies and Economic Development'', Book of abstracts, Leskovac 18.-19. october, 2019. (2019):57, .