Popović Kokar, Nikolina

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  • Popović Kokar, Nikolina (5)

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Upotreba hidrogelova dobijenih modifikacijom polisaharida fenolnim jedinjenjima za imobilizaciju ćelija i biokatalizatora

Popović Kokar, Nikolina

(Универзитет у Београду, Хемијски факултет, 2022)

AU  - Popović Kokar, Nikolina
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5641
AB  - Hidrogelovi predstavljaju polimerne mreže sa hidrofilnim osobinama, sposobne da apsorbuju velike količine vode, uz povećanje svoje zapremine. Geliranje se može izvesti fizičkim ili hemijskim tipovima umrežavanja polimernih lanaca, koji mogu da vode poreklo od prirodnih i sintetičkih polimera. U oblastima biomedicine, najzastupljeniji su hidrogelovi dobijeni od prirodnih polimera, kao što su polisaharidi i njihovi derivati.Cilj ovog rada je bio modifikovati različite polisaharide (alginat, pektin, karboksimetilceluloza) fenolnim jedinjenjima (tiramin, tirozin, dopamin, L-DOPA), sa ciljem dobijanja polimera sposobnih da grade hidrogelove. Uspešnost modifikacije je okarakterisana UV-Vis, FTIR i 1H NMR spektroskopskim metodama. Ispitana je njihova sposobnost geliranja, nakon čega su oni sa najpogodnijim karakteristikama primenjeni u različitim oblastima.Dopaminski derivati alginata su korišćeni za enkapsulaciju ćelijskih zidova sa enzimom lakazom, dobijenih lizom ćelija Saccharomyces cerevisiae sa prethodno eksprimiranom lakazom na površini ćelije. Dobijeni ćelijski zidovi sa lakazom su pokazali 300 puta veću enzimsku aktivnost u odnosu na nelizirane ćelije. Uspešno je urađena imobilizacija u kalcijum-dopamin-alginatnim kuglicama, koje su pokazale prednost u odnosu na kuglice sa nativnim alginatom. Ovako dobijeni biokatalizatori su korišćeni za dekolorizaciju tekstilnih boja Amido Black 10B, Reactive Black 5, Evans Blue, i Remazol Brilliant Blue. Nakon 10 ciklusa dekolorizacije od po 48 sati, efikasnost dekolorizacije za boje Evans Blue i Amido Black 10 B je iznosila 90 % i 61 %, navedenim redom.Lakaza iz Streptomyces cyaneus je takođe eksprimirana u E. coli, izolovana i prečišćena. Izolovana lakaza je imobilizovana u dopamin-pektinskim mikrokuglicama, metodom enzimske polimerizacije u emulziji. Imobilizovana lakaza je pokazala povećanu termalnu i pH stabilnost u odnosu na slobodan enzim, kao i sposobnost dekolorizacije boja Amido Black 10B, Reactive Black 5 i Evans Blue. U uzastopnim ciklusima dekolorizacije boja je ovaj biokatalizator pokazao najviše potencijala za degradaciju boja Amido Black 10B i Reactive Black 5.Sintetisani dopaminski derivati karboksimetilceluloze i alginata su korišćeni za proizvodnju nanovlakana elektrospining metodom. Dobijena nanovlakna su dodatno umrežavana i korišćena kao podloga za gajenje ćelija fibroblasta (MRC-5). Dopamin-alginatna nanovlakna su se pokazala kao dobar materijal za gajenje ćelija, što je pokazano snimanjem SEM-a i MTT esejem, iz čega bi moglo da se zaključi da su adhezija i proliferacija ćelija moguće na ovim nanovlaknima i da su ona potencijalno dobar materijal za tkivni inženjering.
AB  - Hydrogels are polymer networks, which have hydrophilic properties and could absorb large amount of water, increasing their volume. They could form gels either by physical or chemical cross-linking of polymer chains and could be derived from natural and synthetic polymers.The aim of this study was to modificate diverse polysaccharides (alginate, pectin, and carboxymethylcellulose) with phenol compounds (tyramine, tyrosine, dopamine, L-DOPA), in order to obtain polymers which could form hydrogels. The success of modification was confirmed by UV-Vis, FTIR and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Their gelling ability was investigated, afterward polymers with the most suitable characteristics were applied in different areas.Dopamine alginate derivatives were used to encapsulate cell walls with the enzyme laccase, obtained by lysing cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, with previously expressed laccase on the cell surface. The obtained cell wall laccase has shown 300 times higher enzyme activity, compared to the whole cells. Immobilization was successfully performed in calcium-dopamine-alginate beads, which showed an advantage compared to beads with native alginate. Thus obtained biocatalyst were used for decolorization of textile dyes Amido Black 10B, Reactive Black 5, Evans Blue, and Remazol Brilliant Blue. After ten cycles of repeated use, decolourization efficiency for dyes Evans Blue and Amido Black 10B was 90 % and 61 %, respectively.Laccase from Streptomyces cyaneus was also expressed in E. coli, isolated and purified. The isolated laccase was immobilized in dopamine-pectin microbeads, using emulsion-based enzymatic crosslinking polymerization. The immobilized laccase showed improved thermal and pH stability in comparison to the free enzyme, and ability of decolorization dyes Amido Black 10B, Reactive Black 5 and Evans Blue. In successive cycles of dyes decolorization, this biocatalyst showed the greatest potential for degradation of Amido Black 10B and Reactive Black 5.The synthesized dopamine derivatives of carboxymethylcellulose and alginate were used for the production of nanofibers by the method of electrospinning. The obtained nanofibers were additionaly crosslinked and used as a scaffold for fibroblast cells (MRC-5) cultivation. Dopamin-alginate nanofibers have been shown as a good material for cell cultivation, as shown by SEMimaging and MTT assay. It could be concluded that cell adhesion and proliferation are possible on these nanofibers and they are potentially good material for tissue engineering.
PB  - Универзитет у Београду, Хемијски факултет
T2  - Универзитет у Београду
T1  - Upotreba hidrogelova dobijenih modifikacijom polisaharida fenolnim jedinjenjima za imobilizaciju ćelija i biokatalizatora
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cherry_5641
ER  - 
author = "Popović Kokar, Nikolina",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Hidrogelovi predstavljaju polimerne mreže sa hidrofilnim osobinama, sposobne da apsorbuju velike količine vode, uz povećanje svoje zapremine. Geliranje se može izvesti fizičkim ili hemijskim tipovima umrežavanja polimernih lanaca, koji mogu da vode poreklo od prirodnih i sintetičkih polimera. U oblastima biomedicine, najzastupljeniji su hidrogelovi dobijeni od prirodnih polimera, kao što su polisaharidi i njihovi derivati.Cilj ovog rada je bio modifikovati različite polisaharide (alginat, pektin, karboksimetilceluloza) fenolnim jedinjenjima (tiramin, tirozin, dopamin, L-DOPA), sa ciljem dobijanja polimera sposobnih da grade hidrogelove. Uspešnost modifikacije je okarakterisana UV-Vis, FTIR i 1H NMR spektroskopskim metodama. Ispitana je njihova sposobnost geliranja, nakon čega su oni sa najpogodnijim karakteristikama primenjeni u različitim oblastima.Dopaminski derivati alginata su korišćeni za enkapsulaciju ćelijskih zidova sa enzimom lakazom, dobijenih lizom ćelija Saccharomyces cerevisiae sa prethodno eksprimiranom lakazom na površini ćelije. Dobijeni ćelijski zidovi sa lakazom su pokazali 300 puta veću enzimsku aktivnost u odnosu na nelizirane ćelije. Uspešno je urađena imobilizacija u kalcijum-dopamin-alginatnim kuglicama, koje su pokazale prednost u odnosu na kuglice sa nativnim alginatom. Ovako dobijeni biokatalizatori su korišćeni za dekolorizaciju tekstilnih boja Amido Black 10B, Reactive Black 5, Evans Blue, i Remazol Brilliant Blue. Nakon 10 ciklusa dekolorizacije od po 48 sati, efikasnost dekolorizacije za boje Evans Blue i Amido Black 10 B je iznosila 90 % i 61 %, navedenim redom.Lakaza iz Streptomyces cyaneus je takođe eksprimirana u E. coli, izolovana i prečišćena. Izolovana lakaza je imobilizovana u dopamin-pektinskim mikrokuglicama, metodom enzimske polimerizacije u emulziji. Imobilizovana lakaza je pokazala povećanu termalnu i pH stabilnost u odnosu na slobodan enzim, kao i sposobnost dekolorizacije boja Amido Black 10B, Reactive Black 5 i Evans Blue. U uzastopnim ciklusima dekolorizacije boja je ovaj biokatalizator pokazao najviše potencijala za degradaciju boja Amido Black 10B i Reactive Black 5.Sintetisani dopaminski derivati karboksimetilceluloze i alginata su korišćeni za proizvodnju nanovlakana elektrospining metodom. Dobijena nanovlakna su dodatno umrežavana i korišćena kao podloga za gajenje ćelija fibroblasta (MRC-5). Dopamin-alginatna nanovlakna su se pokazala kao dobar materijal za gajenje ćelija, što je pokazano snimanjem SEM-a i MTT esejem, iz čega bi moglo da se zaključi da su adhezija i proliferacija ćelija moguće na ovim nanovlaknima i da su ona potencijalno dobar materijal za tkivni inženjering., Hydrogels are polymer networks, which have hydrophilic properties and could absorb large amount of water, increasing their volume. They could form gels either by physical or chemical cross-linking of polymer chains and could be derived from natural and synthetic polymers.The aim of this study was to modificate diverse polysaccharides (alginate, pectin, and carboxymethylcellulose) with phenol compounds (tyramine, tyrosine, dopamine, L-DOPA), in order to obtain polymers which could form hydrogels. The success of modification was confirmed by UV-Vis, FTIR and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Their gelling ability was investigated, afterward polymers with the most suitable characteristics were applied in different areas.Dopamine alginate derivatives were used to encapsulate cell walls with the enzyme laccase, obtained by lysing cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, with previously expressed laccase on the cell surface. The obtained cell wall laccase has shown 300 times higher enzyme activity, compared to the whole cells. Immobilization was successfully performed in calcium-dopamine-alginate beads, which showed an advantage compared to beads with native alginate. Thus obtained biocatalyst were used for decolorization of textile dyes Amido Black 10B, Reactive Black 5, Evans Blue, and Remazol Brilliant Blue. After ten cycles of repeated use, decolourization efficiency for dyes Evans Blue and Amido Black 10B was 90 % and 61 %, respectively.Laccase from Streptomyces cyaneus was also expressed in E. coli, isolated and purified. The isolated laccase was immobilized in dopamine-pectin microbeads, using emulsion-based enzymatic crosslinking polymerization. The immobilized laccase showed improved thermal and pH stability in comparison to the free enzyme, and ability of decolorization dyes Amido Black 10B, Reactive Black 5 and Evans Blue. In successive cycles of dyes decolorization, this biocatalyst showed the greatest potential for degradation of Amido Black 10B and Reactive Black 5.The synthesized dopamine derivatives of carboxymethylcellulose and alginate were used for the production of nanofibers by the method of electrospinning. The obtained nanofibers were additionaly crosslinked and used as a scaffold for fibroblast cells (MRC-5) cultivation. Dopamin-alginate nanofibers have been shown as a good material for cell cultivation, as shown by SEMimaging and MTT assay. It could be concluded that cell adhesion and proliferation are possible on these nanofibers and they are potentially good material for tissue engineering.",
publisher = "Универзитет у Београду, Хемијски факултет",
journal = "Универзитет у Београду",
title = "Upotreba hidrogelova dobijenih modifikacijom polisaharida fenolnim jedinjenjima za imobilizaciju ćelija i biokatalizatora",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cherry_5641"
Popović Kokar, N.. (2022). Upotreba hidrogelova dobijenih modifikacijom polisaharida fenolnim jedinjenjima za imobilizaciju ćelija i biokatalizatora. in Универзитет у Београду
Универзитет у Београду, Хемијски факултет..
Popović Kokar N. Upotreba hidrogelova dobijenih modifikacijom polisaharida fenolnim jedinjenjima za imobilizaciju ćelija i biokatalizatora. in Универзитет у Београду. 2022;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cherry_5641 .
Popović Kokar, Nikolina, "Upotreba hidrogelova dobijenih modifikacijom polisaharida fenolnim jedinjenjima za imobilizaciju ćelija i biokatalizatora" in Универзитет у Београду (2022),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cherry_5641 .

The Influence of Isoenzyme Composition and Chemical Modification on Horseradish Peroxidase@ZIF-8 Biocomposite Performance

Stanišić, Marija D.; Popović Kokar, Nikolina; Ristić, Predrag; Balaž, Ana Marija; Ognjanović, Miloš; Đokić, Veljko R.; Prodanović, Radivoje; Todorović, Tamara

(MDPI, 2022)

AU  - Stanišić, Marija D.
AU  - Popović Kokar, Nikolina
AU  - Ristić, Predrag
AU  - Balaž, Ana Marija
AU  - Ognjanović, Miloš
AU  - Đokić, Veljko R.
AU  - Prodanović, Radivoje
AU  - Todorović, Tamara
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5678
AB  - Many articles in the literature deal with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) biomineralization, but none pay attention to the isoenzyme composition of commercial HRP or the influence of the carbohydrate component of the protein molecule on the biomineralization process. To study the impact of these factors, we performed periodate oxidation of commercial HRP and a purified HRP-C isoform for biomineralization within ZIF-8. With purified HRP, enzyme@ZIF-8 biocomposites with higher activity were obtained, while periodate oxidation of the carbohydrate component of both commercial HRP and purified HRP-C yields biocomposites with very high activity in acetate buffer that does not degrade the ZIF-8 structure. Using acetate instead of phosphate buffer can prevent the false high activity of HRP@ZIF-8 biocomposites caused by the degradation of ZIF-8 coating. At the same time, purification and especially oxidation of the carbohydrate component of enzymes prior to biomineralization lead to significantly improved activity of the biocomposites.
T2  - Polymers
T1  - The Influence of Isoenzyme Composition and Chemical Modification on Horseradish Peroxidase@ZIF-8 Biocomposite Performance
VL  - 14
IS  - 22
SP  - 4834
DO  - 10.3390/polym14224834
ER  - 
author = "Stanišić, Marija D. and Popović Kokar, Nikolina and Ristić, Predrag and Balaž, Ana Marija and Ognjanović, Miloš and Đokić, Veljko R. and Prodanović, Radivoje and Todorović, Tamara",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Many articles in the literature deal with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) biomineralization, but none pay attention to the isoenzyme composition of commercial HRP or the influence of the carbohydrate component of the protein molecule on the biomineralization process. To study the impact of these factors, we performed periodate oxidation of commercial HRP and a purified HRP-C isoform for biomineralization within ZIF-8. With purified HRP, enzyme@ZIF-8 biocomposites with higher activity were obtained, while periodate oxidation of the carbohydrate component of both commercial HRP and purified HRP-C yields biocomposites with very high activity in acetate buffer that does not degrade the ZIF-8 structure. Using acetate instead of phosphate buffer can prevent the false high activity of HRP@ZIF-8 biocomposites caused by the degradation of ZIF-8 coating. At the same time, purification and especially oxidation of the carbohydrate component of enzymes prior to biomineralization lead to significantly improved activity of the biocomposites.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Polymers",
title = "The Influence of Isoenzyme Composition and Chemical Modification on Horseradish Peroxidase@ZIF-8 Biocomposite Performance",
volume = "14",
number = "22",
pages = "4834",
doi = "10.3390/polym14224834"
Stanišić, M. D., Popović Kokar, N., Ristić, P., Balaž, A. M., Ognjanović, M., Đokić, V. R., Prodanović, R.,& Todorović, T.. (2022). The Influence of Isoenzyme Composition and Chemical Modification on Horseradish Peroxidase@ZIF-8 Biocomposite Performance. in Polymers
MDPI., 14(22), 4834.
Stanišić MD, Popović Kokar N, Ristić P, Balaž AM, Ognjanović M, Đokić VR, Prodanović R, Todorović T. The Influence of Isoenzyme Composition and Chemical Modification on Horseradish Peroxidase@ZIF-8 Biocomposite Performance. in Polymers. 2022;14(22):4834.
doi:10.3390/polym14224834 .
Stanišić, Marija D., Popović Kokar, Nikolina, Ristić, Predrag, Balaž, Ana Marija, Ognjanović, Miloš, Đokić, Veljko R., Prodanović, Radivoje, Todorović, Tamara, "The Influence of Isoenzyme Composition and Chemical Modification on Horseradish Peroxidase@ZIF-8 Biocomposite Performance" in Polymers, 14, no. 22 (2022):4834,
https://doi.org/10.3390/polym14224834 . .

Primary research data for the article: Stanišić, M. D., Popović Kokar, N., Ristić, P., Balaž, A. M., Ognjanović, M., Đokić, V. R., Prodanović, R.,& Todorović, T. R.. (2022). The Influence of Isoenzyme Composition and Chemical Modification on Horseradish Peroxidase@ZIF-8 Biocomposite Performance. in Polymers MDPI., 14(22), 4834. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym14224834

Stanišić, Marija D.; Popović Kokar, Nikolina; Ristić, Predrag; Balaž, Ana Marija; Ognjanović, Miloš; Đokić, Veljko R.; Prodanović, Radivoje; Todorović, Tamara


AU  - Stanišić, Marija D.
AU  - Popović Kokar, Nikolina
AU  - Ristić, Predrag
AU  - Balaž, Ana Marija
AU  - Ognjanović, Miloš
AU  - Đokić, Veljko R.
AU  - Prodanović, Radivoje
AU  - Todorović, Tamara
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5740
T1  - Primary research data for the article: Stanišić, M. D., Popović Kokar, N., Ristić, P., Balaž, A. M., Ognjanović, M., Đokić, V. R., Prodanović, R.,& Todorović, T. R.. (2022). The Influence of Isoenzyme Composition and Chemical Modification on Horseradish Peroxidase@ZIF-8 Biocomposite Performance. in Polymers
MDPI., 14(22), 4834.
VL  - 14
IS  - 22
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cherry_5740
ER  - 
author = "Stanišić, Marija D. and Popović Kokar, Nikolina and Ristić, Predrag and Balaž, Ana Marija and Ognjanović, Miloš and Đokić, Veljko R. and Prodanović, Radivoje and Todorović, Tamara",
year = "2022",
title = "Primary research data for the article: Stanišić, M. D., Popović Kokar, N., Ristić, P., Balaž, A. M., Ognjanović, M., Đokić, V. R., Prodanović, R.,& Todorović, T. R.. (2022). The Influence of Isoenzyme Composition and Chemical Modification on Horseradish Peroxidase@ZIF-8 Biocomposite Performance. in Polymers
MDPI., 14(22), 4834.
volume = "14",
number = "22",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cherry_5740"
Stanišić, M. D., Popović Kokar, N., Ristić, P., Balaž, A. M., Ognjanović, M., Đokić, V. R., Prodanović, R.,& Todorović, T.. (2022). Primary research data for the article: Stanišić, M. D., Popović Kokar, N., Ristić, P., Balaž, A. M., Ognjanović, M., Đokić, V. R., Prodanović, R.,& Todorović, T. R.. (2022). The Influence of Isoenzyme Composition and Chemical Modification on Horseradish Peroxidase@ZIF-8 Biocomposite Performance. in Polymers
MDPI., 14(22), 4834.
https://doi.org/10.3390/polym14224834. , 14(22).
Stanišić MD, Popović Kokar N, Ristić P, Balaž AM, Ognjanović M, Đokić VR, Prodanović R, Todorović T. Primary research data for the article: Stanišić, M. D., Popović Kokar, N., Ristić, P., Balaž, A. M., Ognjanović, M., Đokić, V. R., Prodanović, R.,& Todorović, T. R.. (2022). The Influence of Isoenzyme Composition and Chemical Modification on Horseradish Peroxidase@ZIF-8 Biocomposite Performance. in Polymers
MDPI., 14(22), 4834.
https://doi.org/10.3390/polym14224834. 2022;14(22).
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cherry_5740 .
Stanišić, Marija D., Popović Kokar, Nikolina, Ristić, Predrag, Balaž, Ana Marija, Ognjanović, Miloš, Đokić, Veljko R., Prodanović, Radivoje, Todorović, Tamara, "Primary research data for the article: Stanišić, M. D., Popović Kokar, N., Ristić, P., Balaž, A. M., Ognjanović, M., Đokić, V. R., Prodanović, R.,& Todorović, T. R.. (2022). The Influence of Isoenzyme Composition and Chemical Modification on Horseradish Peroxidase@ZIF-8 Biocomposite Performance. in Polymers
MDPI., 14(22), 4834.
https://doi.org/10.3390/polym14224834", 14, no. 22 (2022),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cherry_5740 .

Chemical Modification of Glycoproteins’ Carbohydrate Moiety as a General Strategy for the Synthesis of Efficient Biocatalysts by Biomimetic Mineralization: The Case of Glucose Oxidase

Stanišić, Marija D.; Popović Kokar, Nikolina; Ristić, Predrag; Balaž, Ana Marija; Senćanski, Milan; Ognjanović, Miloš; Đokić, Veljko R.; Prodanović, Radivoje; Todorović, Tamara

(MDPI, 2021)

AU  - Stanišić, Marija D.
AU  - Popović Kokar, Nikolina
AU  - Ristić, Predrag
AU  - Balaž, Ana Marija
AU  - Senćanski, Milan
AU  - Ognjanović, Miloš
AU  - Đokić, Veljko R.
AU  - Prodanović, Radivoje
AU  - Todorović, Tamara
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4782
AB  - Zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8) is widely used as a protective coating to encapsulate proteins via biomimetic mineralization. The formation of nucleation centers and further biocomposite crystal growth is entirely governed by the pure electrostatic interactions between the protein’s surface and the positively charged Zn(II) metal ions. It was previously shown that enhancing these electrostatic interactions by a chemical modification of surface amino acid residues can lead to a rapid biocomposite crystal formation. However, a chemical modification of carbohydrate components by periodate oxidation for glycoproteins can serve as an alternative strategy. In the present study, an industrially important enzyme glucose oxidase (GOx) was selected as a model system. Periodate oxidation of GOx by 2.5 mM sodium periodate increased negative charge on the enzyme molecule, from −10.2 to −36.9 mV, as shown by zeta potential measurements and native PAGE electrophoresis. Biomineralization experiments with oxidized GOx resulted in higher specific activity, effectiveness factor, and higher thermostability of the ZIF-8 biocomposites. Periodate oxidation of carbohydrate components for glycoproteins can serve as a facile and general method for facilitating the biomimetic mineralization of other industrially relevant glycoproteins.
T2  - Polymers
T1  - Chemical Modification of Glycoproteins’ Carbohydrate Moiety as a General Strategy for the Synthesis of Efficient Biocatalysts by Biomimetic Mineralization: The Case of Glucose Oxidase
VL  - 13
IS  - 22
SP  - 3875
DO  - 10.3390/polym13223875
ER  - 
author = "Stanišić, Marija D. and Popović Kokar, Nikolina and Ristić, Predrag and Balaž, Ana Marija and Senćanski, Milan and Ognjanović, Miloš and Đokić, Veljko R. and Prodanović, Radivoje and Todorović, Tamara",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8) is widely used as a protective coating to encapsulate proteins via biomimetic mineralization. The formation of nucleation centers and further biocomposite crystal growth is entirely governed by the pure electrostatic interactions between the protein’s surface and the positively charged Zn(II) metal ions. It was previously shown that enhancing these electrostatic interactions by a chemical modification of surface amino acid residues can lead to a rapid biocomposite crystal formation. However, a chemical modification of carbohydrate components by periodate oxidation for glycoproteins can serve as an alternative strategy. In the present study, an industrially important enzyme glucose oxidase (GOx) was selected as a model system. Periodate oxidation of GOx by 2.5 mM sodium periodate increased negative charge on the enzyme molecule, from −10.2 to −36.9 mV, as shown by zeta potential measurements and native PAGE electrophoresis. Biomineralization experiments with oxidized GOx resulted in higher specific activity, effectiveness factor, and higher thermostability of the ZIF-8 biocomposites. Periodate oxidation of carbohydrate components for glycoproteins can serve as a facile and general method for facilitating the biomimetic mineralization of other industrially relevant glycoproteins.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Polymers",
title = "Chemical Modification of Glycoproteins’ Carbohydrate Moiety as a General Strategy for the Synthesis of Efficient Biocatalysts by Biomimetic Mineralization: The Case of Glucose Oxidase",
volume = "13",
number = "22",
pages = "3875",
doi = "10.3390/polym13223875"
Stanišić, M. D., Popović Kokar, N., Ristić, P., Balaž, A. M., Senćanski, M., Ognjanović, M., Đokić, V. R., Prodanović, R.,& Todorović, T.. (2021). Chemical Modification of Glycoproteins’ Carbohydrate Moiety as a General Strategy for the Synthesis of Efficient Biocatalysts by Biomimetic Mineralization: The Case of Glucose Oxidase. in Polymers
MDPI., 13(22), 3875.
Stanišić MD, Popović Kokar N, Ristić P, Balaž AM, Senćanski M, Ognjanović M, Đokić VR, Prodanović R, Todorović T. Chemical Modification of Glycoproteins’ Carbohydrate Moiety as a General Strategy for the Synthesis of Efficient Biocatalysts by Biomimetic Mineralization: The Case of Glucose Oxidase. in Polymers. 2021;13(22):3875.
doi:10.3390/polym13223875 .
Stanišić, Marija D., Popović Kokar, Nikolina, Ristić, Predrag, Balaž, Ana Marija, Senćanski, Milan, Ognjanović, Miloš, Đokić, Veljko R., Prodanović, Radivoje, Todorović, Tamara, "Chemical Modification of Glycoproteins’ Carbohydrate Moiety as a General Strategy for the Synthesis of Efficient Biocatalysts by Biomimetic Mineralization: The Case of Glucose Oxidase" in Polymers, 13, no. 22 (2021):3875,
https://doi.org/10.3390/polym13223875 . .

Primary research data for: Stanišić, M. D., Popović Kokar, N., Ristić, P., Balaž, A. M., Senćanski, M., Ognjanović, M., Đokić, V. R., Prodanović, R.,& Todorović, T.. (2021). Chemical Modification of Glycoproteins’ Carbohydrate Moiety as a General Strategy for the Synthesis of Efficient Biocatalysts by Biomimetic Mineralization: The Case of Glucose Oxidase. in Polymers MDPI., 13(22), 3875. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym13223875

Stanišić, Marija D.; Popović Kokar, Nikolina; Ristić, Predrag; Balaž, Ana Marija; Senćanski, Milan; Ognjanović, Miloš; Đokić, Veljko R.; Prodanović, Radivoje; Todorović, Tamara


AU  - Stanišić, Marija D.
AU  - Popović Kokar, Nikolina
AU  - Ristić, Predrag
AU  - Balaž, Ana Marija
AU  - Senćanski, Milan
AU  - Ognjanović, Miloš
AU  - Đokić, Veljko R.
AU  - Prodanović, Radivoje
AU  - Todorović, Tamara
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5741
T1  - Primary research data for: Stanišić, M. D., Popović Kokar, N., Ristić, P., Balaž, A. M., Senćanski, M., Ognjanović, M., Đokić, V. R., Prodanović, R.,& Todorović, T.. (2021). Chemical Modification of Glycoproteins’ Carbohydrate Moiety as a General Strategy for the Synthesis of Efficient Biocatalysts by Biomimetic Mineralization: The Case of Glucose Oxidase. in Polymers
MDPI., 13(22), 3875.
VL  - 13
IS  - 22
SP  - 3875
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cherry_5741
ER  - 
author = "Stanišić, Marija D. and Popović Kokar, Nikolina and Ristić, Predrag and Balaž, Ana Marija and Senćanski, Milan and Ognjanović, Miloš and Đokić, Veljko R. and Prodanović, Radivoje and Todorović, Tamara",
year = "2021",
title = "Primary research data for: Stanišić, M. D., Popović Kokar, N., Ristić, P., Balaž, A. M., Senćanski, M., Ognjanović, M., Đokić, V. R., Prodanović, R.,& Todorović, T.. (2021). Chemical Modification of Glycoproteins’ Carbohydrate Moiety as a General Strategy for the Synthesis of Efficient Biocatalysts by Biomimetic Mineralization: The Case of Glucose Oxidase. in Polymers
MDPI., 13(22), 3875.
volume = "13",
number = "22",
pages = "3875",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cherry_5741"
Stanišić, M. D., Popović Kokar, N., Ristić, P., Balaž, A. M., Senćanski, M., Ognjanović, M., Đokić, V. R., Prodanović, R.,& Todorović, T.. (2021). Primary research data for: Stanišić, M. D., Popović Kokar, N., Ristić, P., Balaž, A. M., Senćanski, M., Ognjanović, M., Đokić, V. R., Prodanović, R.,& Todorović, T.. (2021). Chemical Modification of Glycoproteins’ Carbohydrate Moiety as a General Strategy for the Synthesis of Efficient Biocatalysts by Biomimetic Mineralization: The Case of Glucose Oxidase. in Polymers
MDPI., 13(22), 3875.
https://doi.org/10.3390/polym13223875. , 13(22), 3875.
Stanišić MD, Popović Kokar N, Ristić P, Balaž AM, Senćanski M, Ognjanović M, Đokić VR, Prodanović R, Todorović T. Primary research data for: Stanišić, M. D., Popović Kokar, N., Ristić, P., Balaž, A. M., Senćanski, M., Ognjanović, M., Đokić, V. R., Prodanović, R.,& Todorović, T.. (2021). Chemical Modification of Glycoproteins’ Carbohydrate Moiety as a General Strategy for the Synthesis of Efficient Biocatalysts by Biomimetic Mineralization: The Case of Glucose Oxidase. in Polymers
MDPI., 13(22), 3875.
https://doi.org/10.3390/polym13223875. 2021;13(22):3875.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cherry_5741 .
Stanišić, Marija D., Popović Kokar, Nikolina, Ristić, Predrag, Balaž, Ana Marija, Senćanski, Milan, Ognjanović, Miloš, Đokić, Veljko R., Prodanović, Radivoje, Todorović, Tamara, "Primary research data for: Stanišić, M. D., Popović Kokar, N., Ristić, P., Balaž, A. M., Senćanski, M., Ognjanović, M., Đokić, V. R., Prodanović, R.,& Todorović, T.. (2021). Chemical Modification of Glycoproteins’ Carbohydrate Moiety as a General Strategy for the Synthesis of Efficient Biocatalysts by Biomimetic Mineralization: The Case of Glucose Oxidase. in Polymers
MDPI., 13(22), 3875.
https://doi.org/10.3390/polym13223875", 13, no. 22 (2021):3875,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_cherry_5741 .