Development of technological processes for obtaining of ecological materials based on nonmetallic minerals

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Development of technological processes for obtaining of ecological materials based on nonmetallic minerals (en)
Освајање технолошких поступака добијања еколошких материјала на бази неметаличних минералних сировина (sr)
Osvajanje tehnoloških postupaka dobijanja ekoloških materijala na bazi nemetaličnih mineralnih sirovina (sr_RS)


Hemijska karakterizacija semena breskve (Prunus persica L.)

Koprivica, Marija

(Универзитет у Београду, Хемијски факултет, 2020)

AU  - Koprivica, Marija
PY  - 2020
UR  -
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AB  - Istraţivanjima u okviru ove doktorske disertacije na osnovu sadrţaja pojedinihfitohemikalija izvršena je hemijska karakterizacija semena 25 sorti/genotipova breskverazliĉitog genetiĉkog i geografskog porekla gajenih pod istim klimatskim uslovima nateritoriji Srbije u okviru kolekcije oglednog dobra „Radmilovac‖ Poljoprivrednog fakultetaUniverziteta u Beogradu.U cilju utvrĊivanja sliĉnosti i razlika izmeĊu pojedinih genotipova breskve, kao iodreĊivanja potencijalnih biomarkera njihovog genetiĉkog i geografskog porekla, istraţivanjasu obuhvatila analizu varijabilnosti standradnih sorti (poreklom iz SAD i Italije),perspektivnih hibrida (nastalih ukrštanjem standardnih sorti) i nekoliko genotipovavinogradarske breskve kao autohtone sorte iz Srbije. Osim podele po poreklu, ispitivanigenotipovi breskve razlikovali su se i po vremenu sazrevanja ploda.Gasna hromatografija sa plameno-jonizacionim detektorom (Gas Chromatographywith Flame Ionization Detector, GC-FID) korišćena je za odreĊivanje sastava masnih kiselinau uzorcima semena breskve. Bez obzira na razliĉitost izmeĊu genotipova, ulje semenabreskve ima sliĉan sastav masnih kiselina koji se najvećim delom sastoji od nezasićenihmasnih kiselina, oleinske i linolne kiseline. Razlika izmeĊu sorti/genotipova breskve seogleda samo u razlici u procentualnim koncentracijama najzastupljenijih masnih kiselina.Ulje semena breskve ima nizak ukupni sadrţaj zasićenih masnih kiselina, manji od 15%, i touglavnom sadrţi palmitinsku i stearinsku kiselinu. Fenolni profil semena breskve odreĊen jeultra-visokoefikasnom teĉnom hromatografijom spregnutom sa hibridnim masenimspektrometrom (Ultra High-Perfomance Liquid Chromatography coupled with a hybrid massspectrometer - Linear Trap Quadrupole and OrbiTrap mass analyzer, UHPLC-LTQOrbiTrap MS/MS). U uzorcima semena breskve detektovane su razliĉite klase fenolnihjedinjenja i nekoliko organskih kiselina sa manjim brojem C-atoma. Od fenolnih jedinjenjasemena breskve u najvećoj koliĉini sadrţe katehin i šest fenolnih kiselina: protokatehuinsku,p-hidroksibenzoevu, p-hidroksifenilsirćetnu, hlorogenu, p-kumarinsku i ferulinsku kiselinu.Kvantifikacija saharida izvršena je upotrebom visoko-efikasne anjonske hromatografije saelektrohemijskom detekcijom (High-Performance Anion Exchange Chromatography withPulsed Amperometric Detection, HPAEC-PAD...
AB  - The investigations in scope of this doctoral dissertation were based on the content of aseveral phytochemicals and it comprised chemical characterization of kernels of 25 peachcultivars/genotypes differing in genetic and geographical origin cultivated under the sameclimatic conditions in the territory of Serbia within a collection of the „Radmilovac‖Experimental Station of the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Agriculture.In order to determine the similarities and differences between the individualcultivars/genotypes of the peach, as well as to identify potential biomarkers of their geneticand geographical origin, the research included an analysis of the variability of standardcultivars (originating in the USA and Italy), promising hybrids (created by standard cultivarscross-breeding) and several vineyard peach genotypes as autochthonous cultivars fromSerbia. Except from this division, the examined genotypes of the peach differed according tothe ripening time.Gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC-FID) was used to determinethe composition of fatty acids in samples of the peach kernels. Regardless of the differencebetween genotypes, the peach kernel oil has the similar fatty acid composition, which themost consists of unsaturated fatty acids, oleic and linoleic acids. Variation betweenvarieties/genotypes of peach is only seen in the difference in the percentage concentrations ofthe most abundant fatty acids. The kernel oil has a low total saturated fatty acid content lessthan 15%, which is mainly composed of palmitic and stearic acids. The phenolic profile ofpeach kernels was determined by ultra-high-perfomance liquid chromatography coupled witha hybrid mass spectrometer (UHPLC-LTQ OrbiTrap MS/MS). In samples of peach kernels,different classes of phenolic substances and several organic acids with small number of Catoms were detected. Among phenolic compounds, the most abundant in peach seeds werecatechin and six phenolic acids: protocatechuic, p-hydroxybenzoic, p-hydroxyphenylacetic,chlorogenic, p-coumaric and ferulic acids. The quantification of saccharides was perfomedusing high-performance anion exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection(HPAEC-PAD)...
PB  - Универзитет у Београду, Хемијски факултет
T2  - Универзитет у Београду
T1  - Hemijska karakterizacija semena breskve (Prunus persica L.)
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Koprivica, Marija",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Istraţivanjima u okviru ove doktorske disertacije na osnovu sadrţaja pojedinihfitohemikalija izvršena je hemijska karakterizacija semena 25 sorti/genotipova breskverazliĉitog genetiĉkog i geografskog porekla gajenih pod istim klimatskim uslovima nateritoriji Srbije u okviru kolekcije oglednog dobra „Radmilovac‖ Poljoprivrednog fakultetaUniverziteta u Beogradu.U cilju utvrĊivanja sliĉnosti i razlika izmeĊu pojedinih genotipova breskve, kao iodreĊivanja potencijalnih biomarkera njihovog genetiĉkog i geografskog porekla, istraţivanjasu obuhvatila analizu varijabilnosti standradnih sorti (poreklom iz SAD i Italije),perspektivnih hibrida (nastalih ukrštanjem standardnih sorti) i nekoliko genotipovavinogradarske breskve kao autohtone sorte iz Srbije. Osim podele po poreklu, ispitivanigenotipovi breskve razlikovali su se i po vremenu sazrevanja ploda.Gasna hromatografija sa plameno-jonizacionim detektorom (Gas Chromatographywith Flame Ionization Detector, GC-FID) korišćena je za odreĊivanje sastava masnih kiselinau uzorcima semena breskve. Bez obzira na razliĉitost izmeĊu genotipova, ulje semenabreskve ima sliĉan sastav masnih kiselina koji se najvećim delom sastoji od nezasićenihmasnih kiselina, oleinske i linolne kiseline. Razlika izmeĊu sorti/genotipova breskve seogleda samo u razlici u procentualnim koncentracijama najzastupljenijih masnih kiselina.Ulje semena breskve ima nizak ukupni sadrţaj zasićenih masnih kiselina, manji od 15%, i touglavnom sadrţi palmitinsku i stearinsku kiselinu. Fenolni profil semena breskve odreĊen jeultra-visokoefikasnom teĉnom hromatografijom spregnutom sa hibridnim masenimspektrometrom (Ultra High-Perfomance Liquid Chromatography coupled with a hybrid massspectrometer - Linear Trap Quadrupole and OrbiTrap mass analyzer, UHPLC-LTQOrbiTrap MS/MS). U uzorcima semena breskve detektovane su razliĉite klase fenolnihjedinjenja i nekoliko organskih kiselina sa manjim brojem C-atoma. Od fenolnih jedinjenjasemena breskve u najvećoj koliĉini sadrţe katehin i šest fenolnih kiselina: protokatehuinsku,p-hidroksibenzoevu, p-hidroksifenilsirćetnu, hlorogenu, p-kumarinsku i ferulinsku kiselinu.Kvantifikacija saharida izvršena je upotrebom visoko-efikasne anjonske hromatografije saelektrohemijskom detekcijom (High-Performance Anion Exchange Chromatography withPulsed Amperometric Detection, HPAEC-PAD..., The investigations in scope of this doctoral dissertation were based on the content of aseveral phytochemicals and it comprised chemical characterization of kernels of 25 peachcultivars/genotypes differing in genetic and geographical origin cultivated under the sameclimatic conditions in the territory of Serbia within a collection of the „Radmilovac‖Experimental Station of the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Agriculture.In order to determine the similarities and differences between the individualcultivars/genotypes of the peach, as well as to identify potential biomarkers of their geneticand geographical origin, the research included an analysis of the variability of standardcultivars (originating in the USA and Italy), promising hybrids (created by standard cultivarscross-breeding) and several vineyard peach genotypes as autochthonous cultivars fromSerbia. Except from this division, the examined genotypes of the peach differed according tothe ripening time.Gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC-FID) was used to determinethe composition of fatty acids in samples of the peach kernels. Regardless of the differencebetween genotypes, the peach kernel oil has the similar fatty acid composition, which themost consists of unsaturated fatty acids, oleic and linoleic acids. Variation betweenvarieties/genotypes of peach is only seen in the difference in the percentage concentrations ofthe most abundant fatty acids. The kernel oil has a low total saturated fatty acid content lessthan 15%, which is mainly composed of palmitic and stearic acids. The phenolic profile ofpeach kernels was determined by ultra-high-perfomance liquid chromatography coupled witha hybrid mass spectrometer (UHPLC-LTQ OrbiTrap MS/MS). In samples of peach kernels,different classes of phenolic substances and several organic acids with small number of Catoms were detected. Among phenolic compounds, the most abundant in peach seeds werecatechin and six phenolic acids: protocatechuic, p-hydroxybenzoic, p-hydroxyphenylacetic,chlorogenic, p-coumaric and ferulic acids. The quantification of saccharides was perfomedusing high-performance anion exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection(HPAEC-PAD)...",
publisher = "Универзитет у Београду, Хемијски факултет",
journal = "Универзитет у Београду",
title = "Hemijska karakterizacija semena breskve (Prunus persica L.)",
url = ""
Koprivica, M.. (2020). Hemijska karakterizacija semena breskve (Prunus persica L.). in Универзитет у Београду
Универзитет у Београду, Хемијски факултет..
Koprivica M. Hemijska karakterizacija semena breskve (Prunus persica L.). in Универзитет у Београду. 2020;. .
Koprivica, Marija, "Hemijska karakterizacija semena breskve (Prunus persica L.)" in Универзитет у Београду (2020), .

Preparation and characterization of zinc-exchanged montmorillonite and its effectiveness as aflatoxin B-1 adsorbent

Dakovic, Aleksandra; Kragovic, Milan; Rottinghaus, George E.; Ledoux, David R.; Butkeraitis, Paula; Vojislavljević-Vasilev, Dubravka; Zarić, Snežana D.; Stamenic, Ljubisav

(Elsevier Science Sa, Lausanne, 2012)

AU  - Dakovic, Aleksandra
AU  - Kragovic, Milan
AU  - Rottinghaus, George E.
AU  - Ledoux, David R.
AU  - Butkeraitis, Paula
AU  - Vojislavljević-Vasilev, Dubravka
AU  - Zarić, Snežana D.
AU  - Stamenic, Ljubisav
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - A zinc-exchanged montmorillonite (Zn-MONT) was prepared from a natural montmorillonite (MONT) and the adsorption of aflatoxin B-1 (AFB(1)) was investigated at pH 3 and 7. Characterization of Zn-MONT was done by determination of chemical composition, the point of the zero charge (pH(pzc)), thermal (DTA/TGA/DTG) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) analysis. Adsorption of AFB(1) (C-0 = 4 ppm) by Zn-MONT, at different solid/liquid ratios (10, 1 and 0.5 g L-1), at pH 3 or 7, showed that its adsorption was high (over 96%) and independent of pH, similar to MONT. No desorption of AFB(1) from MONT-AFB(1) and Zn-MONT-AFB(1) complexes occurred at pH 6.5, suggesting strong binding of AFB(1) by both adsorbents. Furthermore, AFB(1) adsorption by Zn-MONT followed a nonlinear (Langmuir) type of isotherm at pH 3 with a calculated maximum capacity of 60.17 mg g(-1). The stability of MONT-AFB(1) and Zn-MONT-AFB(1) complexes was evaluated by calculating the binding energies between AFB(1) and metal cations using quantum chemical methods. The evaluated interaction energies of AFB(1) with hydrated Zn2+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ cations showed that the strongest interaction was the interaction of the Zn2+ system, -70.2 kcal mol(-1), whereas energies for Mg-2 and Ca2+ systems were -68.8 and -62.9 kcal mol(-1), respectively. The results indicate that Zn-MONT can be suitable for potential practical application as both, an antibacterial and an aflatoxin binding agent. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
PB  - Elsevier Science Sa, Lausanne
T2  - Materials Chemistry and Physics
T1  - Preparation and characterization of zinc-exchanged montmorillonite and its effectiveness as aflatoxin B-1 adsorbent
VL  - 137
IS  - 1
SP  - 213
EP  - 220
DO  - 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2012.09.010
ER  - 
author = "Dakovic, Aleksandra and Kragovic, Milan and Rottinghaus, George E. and Ledoux, David R. and Butkeraitis, Paula and Vojislavljević-Vasilev, Dubravka and Zarić, Snežana D. and Stamenic, Ljubisav",
year = "2012",
abstract = "A zinc-exchanged montmorillonite (Zn-MONT) was prepared from a natural montmorillonite (MONT) and the adsorption of aflatoxin B-1 (AFB(1)) was investigated at pH 3 and 7. Characterization of Zn-MONT was done by determination of chemical composition, the point of the zero charge (pH(pzc)), thermal (DTA/TGA/DTG) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) analysis. Adsorption of AFB(1) (C-0 = 4 ppm) by Zn-MONT, at different solid/liquid ratios (10, 1 and 0.5 g L-1), at pH 3 or 7, showed that its adsorption was high (over 96%) and independent of pH, similar to MONT. No desorption of AFB(1) from MONT-AFB(1) and Zn-MONT-AFB(1) complexes occurred at pH 6.5, suggesting strong binding of AFB(1) by both adsorbents. Furthermore, AFB(1) adsorption by Zn-MONT followed a nonlinear (Langmuir) type of isotherm at pH 3 with a calculated maximum capacity of 60.17 mg g(-1). The stability of MONT-AFB(1) and Zn-MONT-AFB(1) complexes was evaluated by calculating the binding energies between AFB(1) and metal cations using quantum chemical methods. The evaluated interaction energies of AFB(1) with hydrated Zn2+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ cations showed that the strongest interaction was the interaction of the Zn2+ system, -70.2 kcal mol(-1), whereas energies for Mg-2 and Ca2+ systems were -68.8 and -62.9 kcal mol(-1), respectively. The results indicate that Zn-MONT can be suitable for potential practical application as both, an antibacterial and an aflatoxin binding agent. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.",
publisher = "Elsevier Science Sa, Lausanne",
journal = "Materials Chemistry and Physics",
title = "Preparation and characterization of zinc-exchanged montmorillonite and its effectiveness as aflatoxin B-1 adsorbent",
volume = "137",
number = "1",
pages = "213-220",
doi = "10.1016/j.matchemphys.2012.09.010"
Dakovic, A., Kragovic, M., Rottinghaus, G. E., Ledoux, D. R., Butkeraitis, P., Vojislavljević-Vasilev, D., Zarić, S. D.,& Stamenic, L.. (2012). Preparation and characterization of zinc-exchanged montmorillonite and its effectiveness as aflatoxin B-1 adsorbent. in Materials Chemistry and Physics
Elsevier Science Sa, Lausanne., 137(1), 213-220.
Dakovic A, Kragovic M, Rottinghaus GE, Ledoux DR, Butkeraitis P, Vojislavljević-Vasilev D, Zarić SD, Stamenic L. Preparation and characterization of zinc-exchanged montmorillonite and its effectiveness as aflatoxin B-1 adsorbent. in Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2012;137(1):213-220.
doi:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2012.09.010 .
Dakovic, Aleksandra, Kragovic, Milan, Rottinghaus, George E., Ledoux, David R., Butkeraitis, Paula, Vojislavljević-Vasilev, Dubravka, Zarić, Snežana D., Stamenic, Ljubisav, "Preparation and characterization of zinc-exchanged montmorillonite and its effectiveness as aflatoxin B-1 adsorbent" in Materials Chemistry and Physics, 137, no. 1 (2012):213-220, . .