Приказ резултата 21-40 од 432

      Analysis of chemical and nutritional characteristic of bee-collected pollen from different regions of Serbia [1]
      Analysis of protein and genetic markers in preoperative and postoperative differential diagnosis of thyroid gland tumors. [1]
      Analysis of proteinaceous binders in art objects by mass spectrometry methods [1]
      Anelacije heterocikličnih jedinjenja i njihova primena u sintezi prirodnih proizvoda [1]
      Annulations of heterocyclic compounds and their application in synthesis of natural compounds [1]
      Antioksidativni metabolizam belog i zelenog tkiva listova panaširane muškatle (Pelargonium zonale) i tamjanike (Plectronthus coleoides) - uticaj zračenja iz veidljive i UV-B oblasti [1]
      Antioxidative metabolism in white and green leaf tissues of variegated Pelargonium zonale and Plectranthus coleoides plants - visible light and uv-b radiation effects [1]
      Application of geochemical parameters in studyng lower miocene lacustrine sediments (Kremna, Serbia) [1]
      Application of immobilized cell wall invertase from yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the production of invert sugar [1]
      Application of methyl-3,5-bis[(di(2-pikolil)amino)methyl]benzoate for modification of glassy carbon electrode [1]
      Application of organothiophosphate pesticides oxidation in methods for their detection based on acetylcholinesterase inhibition [1]
      Application of the reactor based on dielectric barrier discharge for the decolorization of reactive textile dyes [1]
      Aproksimacije funkcionala gustine u proučavanju energija spinskih stanja kompleksa prelaznih metala. [1]
      benzothiophene and steroidal derivatives of aminoquinoline [1]
      Biodegradacija n/alkana, policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika i fenola korišćenjem soja Pseudomonas aeruginosa san ai [1]
      Biodegradation of n-alkanes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and phenols by strain Pseudomonas aeruginosa san ai [1]
      Biodostupnost i mobilizacija toksičnih mikroelemenata u zemljištu nakon četrdesetogodišnje aplikacije fosfornih djubrivaUmnoženo za odbranu [1]
      Biomonitoring of urban air pollution (particulate matter, trace elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) using mosses Sphognum girgensohnii Russow and Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw. [1]
      Cellulases of fungus Trichoderma harzianum: production, control of production and characterization of the expressed enzyme [1]
      Celulaze gljive Trichoderma harzianum: produkcija, kontrola produkcije i karakterizacija eksprimiranih enzima [1]