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Influence of coal combustion temperature on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons formation in coal fired power plants and its consequences on the environment

dc.contributor.advisorTešić, Živoslav Lj.
dc.contributor.otherPopović, Aleksandar R.
dc.contributor.otherVajs, Vlatka
dc.creatorPergal, Miodrag M.
dc.description.abstractNaučni cilj istraživanja obuhvaćenog ovom doktorskom disertacijom jeispitivanje i utvrđivanje mehanizama formiranja policikličnih aromatičnihugljovodonika (PAH) in situ, tokom sagorevanja uglja i promene temperaturesagorevanja u termoelektrani „Nikola Tesla B“, kao i istraživanje njihove sudbine(razlaganja i degradacije) u proizvodima sagorevanja tokom transporta i nakonodlaganja na deponiju pepela i šljake.Količine policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika su ispitivane u uglju koji sekoristi u termoelektrani, proizvodima nastalim sagorevanjem uglja pri različitimtemperaturama (različitim tipovima pepela i šljake), kao i u deponijskom pepelui šljaci sa aktivne, trenutno korišćene, i pasivne, ranije korišćene kasete deponije.Ekstrakcija PAH-ova iz čvrstih uzoraka je rađena pomoću ultrazvuka uodgovarajućem rastvaraču, dok je analiza pripremljenih uzoraka izvedenapomoću gasnog hromatografa povezanog sa masenim detektorom.Ispitivana je i ekstraktibilnost PAH-ova iz elektrofilterskog pepela u uslovimakoji oponašaju one koji mogu biti prisutni u životnoj sredini. EkstrakcijaPAH-ova iz pripremljenih tečnih uzoraka vršena je rastvaračem u levku zaodvajanje, dok je analiza pripremljenih uzoraka izvođena pomoću gasnoghromatografa povezanog sa masenim detektorom.Zaključeno je da sa porastom temperature sagorevanja lignita u termoelektraniNikola Tesla B, ukupna količina PAH-ova u proizvodima sagorevanja raste utemperaturnom opsegu od 930 do 973,5 oC, dok sa daljim povećanjemtemperature ukupna količina ostaje konstantna. PAH-ovi u pepelu i šljaci seponašaju različito: količine PAH-ova rastu u pepelu zbog njihove sinteze tokomsagorevanja u ložištu i zbog njihovog povećanog isparavanja usled poveć
dc.description.abstractThe scientific aim of the research covered by this dissertation is to examine anddetermine the mechanisms of formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons insitu during the combustion of coal and variation of temperature combustion inthermal power plant "Nikola Tesla B", as well as the study of their fate(decomposition and degradation) in the products of combustion during thetransport and after deposition of ash and slag.The concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were tested in coal usedin thermal power plant, coal combustion products formed by the combustion ofcoal at different temperatures (various types of fly ash and slag), as well as ashand slag from active, currently used, and passive, previously used cassette of ashdump. Extraction of PAH’s from solid samples was carried out by means ofultrasound in a suitable solvent, while the analysis of the prepared samples wasperformed using gas chromatography with mass detector.The extractability of PAHs in fly ash in conditions that mimic those that may bepresent in the environment was investigated. Extraction of PAHs from theprepared liquid samples was carried out using solvent in a separating funnel,while the analysis of the prepared samples was performed by gaschromatography with mass detector.It is concluded that with increasing of combustion temperature of lignite in thethermal power plant Nikola Tesla B, the total amount of PAHs in the products ofcombustion increases from 930 to 973.5 °C, and with a further increase intemperature total amount becomes constant. PAHs in ash and slag behavedifferently: the quantities of PAHs are increasing in ash because of their synthesisduring combustion in the furnace and because of their increased evaporation dueto increased temperature, resulting in, among other things, the presence of PAHs...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Хемијски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsen
dc.subjectpoliciklični aromatični ugljovodonicisr
dc.subjectsagorevanje ugljasr
dc.subjectizluživanje rečnom vodomsr
dc.subjectizluživanje vodenim rastvorima različitejonske sile i pHsr
dc.subjectburning of coalen
dc.subjectleaching by river wateren
dc.subjectleaching by aqueous solutions of different pH and ionicstrengthen
dc.titleUticaj temperature sagorevanja uglja na nastajanje policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika u termoelekranama i posledice po životnu sredinusr
dc.titleInfluence of coal combustion temperature on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons formation in coal fired power plants and its consequences on the environmenten
dcterms.abstractТешић, Живослав; Поповић, Aлександар; Вајс, Влатка; Пергал, Миодраг М.; Утицај температуре сагоревања угља на настајање полицикличних ароматичних угљоводоника у термоелекранама и последице по животну средину; Утицај температуре сагоревања угља на настајање полицикличних ароматичних угљоводоника у термоелекранама и последице по животну средину;

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