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Teški metali u zemljištu Beograda

dc.creatorPavlović, Ana
dc.creatorMilošević, Sanja
dc.creatorGržetić, Ivan
dc.description.abstractThe main goal of our work was to determine heavy metal content (Pb, Cd, Zn Cu, Ni, Cr, Hg & As) at different soil depths (5, 10 and 50 cm) in the metropolitan area of Belgrade. The analysis was performed during several years, but our results cover only 2006. Sample selection covered areas near heavy traffic streets and urban parks. Taking in account our results (for the year 2006) and the results acquired from the Public health institute (PHI) of Belgrade (for the years 2003, 2004 and 2005), both obtained by EPA 3050b method, it was quite obvious that our results, that are associated to the depth of 5 cm, have shown that the concentrations of Pb, Zn and Cu are greater then those obtained by PHI. At the same time it could be assumed that the mobility of heavy metals from shallow to deeper depths was limited. The results for Pb (obtained in 2006) and Ni (obtained in 2003, 2005), excide the maximal aloud concentrations (MAC) set by Serbian guideline values for maximal allowed concentrations of dangerous substances in soil and irrigation waters.en
dc.description.abstractUsled intenzivnog tehnološkog i industrijskog razvoja u životnu sredinu na razne načine dospevaju velike količine štetnih i toksičnih sup-stanci. Među ovim supstancama značajan je udeo teških metala koji zbog svoje neuništivosti, toksičnosti i biogeohemijskog kruženja predstavljaju veliki problem za životnu sredinu. Industrija, industrijski i komunalni otpad, sagorevanje fosilnih goriva (ugalj, nafta) u industriji, saobraćaju i domaćinstvima najčešći su izvori zagađenja životne sredine teškim metalima i drugim elementima u tragovima. U današnjim uslovima ugroženost zemljišta u Beogradu je velika, a posebna opasnost preti od akcidenata koji se često dešavaju, industrije, saobraćaja, kao i sve većeg broja malih privrednih preduzeća sa značajnom količinom otpada koji predstavlja jedan od glavnih izvora zagađenja zemljiš
dc.sourceHemijski pregled
dc.titleHeavy metal pollution in the soil of Belgrade regionen
dc.titleTeški metali u zemljištu Beogradasr
dcterms.abstractГржетић, Иван; Милошевић, Сања; Павловић, Aна; Тешки метали у земљишту Београда; Тешки метали у земљишту Београда;
dc.citation.other48(6): 124-132

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